Evaluate and describe the relationships and interactions between texts (e.g. words, lyrics) and musical elements in different performances of one or more recorded vocal works.
Musical Expressiveness
Analysis choice:
From the following three approaches, choose any one (or a combination) that matches your musical
background and personal preference.
1. Music and Texts1: Evaluate and describe the relationships and interactions between texts (e.g. words, lyrics) and musical elements in different performances of one or more recorded vocal works. These should be related in some way (e.g. same work performed by different artist(s), same artist performing different song(s), songs related by topic or style, etc.); or
2. Traditional Musical Analysis: Evaluate and describe the relationships and interactions between purely musical elements in the recordings you have chosen. Such elements could include form, part-writing,harmony and tonality (or atonality), dynamics/articulation, notated expressive elements, rhythmic character, and timing and tempo. (Tip: Be wary of not engaging in musicological analysis. Rather,focus upon expressiveness in the performances being analysed)