Does your article talk about any fiscal policy responses by your country? Do you see evidence of these policies in your graphs? How does any response compare to the US based on your graphs ?
Creating Graphs: There are many data tools and sources available, including those listed on our “Economic Resources” Page on Canvas. For international data, the OECD is a great place to start, but any accredited sources are accepted. If using the OECD website, you’ll need to use the “Browse by Topic” and/or “Search” tools to find the relevant data. You can then create graphs by finding the relevant variable, and changing the year slider on the data page. Select “none” in the “background” option so that the graph only shows the US and your country.
• Briefly summarize the key points of the article – keep summary to a half page or less.
• How severely impacted was your country by the event? Does the article give any indication?
• Did the event impact the rest of the world or just your country? If the event impacted the US economy, how did outcomes differ in the U.S. verses the country being analyzed.
• Does your article talk about any fiscal policy responses by your country? Do you see evidence of these policies in your graphs? How does any response compare to the US based on your graphs ?
• Based on your graphs , do you think your country took a Keynesian or a Classical approach to dealing with the event discussed and why?