Does this score indicate low collective efficacy,high collective efficacy,or somewhere in the middle?

Thinking about YOUR Community Health Reflection Project and using the place you have selected for it (i.e., where you were born or spent most of your time growing up), answer the questions in the first two slides of Lecture 13 and then find the collective efficacy score for that place. Remind everyone where this place is and share the collective efficacy score you calculated for it.

Does this score indicate low collective efficacy,high collective efficacy,or somewhere in the middle?

Do you agree with this score? Why or why not?

Think about the following terms discussed in Lecture 13:

Bonding social capital

Bridging social capital

Network-based Resources

Social Cohesion

Informal Social Control

Collective Efficacy

Pick two of these terms, briefly define them and then give a specific example for each from your own community.

Pick a third term and ask a classmate to define it and give their own example from their community.