Does the article talk about the energy savings realized by coupling multiple buildings together? And if so, what are the energy and cost savings and other benefits?

District Geothermal, Heating or Energy Systems

Closer to home, in the Boston, MA, area, is a grass-roots “community networked” systems initiative started by the MA HEET organization. The Executive Summary of a report from HEET is in the Day 11 Materials folder, along with a video of a Town Hall featuring the founder of HEET and a Massachusetts gas utility, Eversource Energy, that is taking on a community geothermal district. T


One article for research is ok!

Make sure to answer the questions below while writing this paper!

Where did your current event come from? Cite the article/post/paper in the APA Style bibliographic format .

What types of thermal energy are being shared?
Provide a brief summation of the event and discuss the primary takeaways/conclusions to you and why you think so.

Does the article talk about the energy savings realized by coupling multiple buildings together? And if so, what are the energy and cost savings and other benefits?