Do we have a social responsibility to get the information out there so other countries can develop a vaccine to save lives in countries that cannot afford to buy them?

Now in 2019, the world went crazy with the discovery of Covid-19 and the panic the mounting death tolls created. We were unprepared for this, even though we knew it would happen. Fortunately, we have been studying Corona Viruses vaccinations for a decade spending $2.5 billion . Terrific research has already been done, and we were able to apply this research to the new Covid-19 variant to quickly create a vaccine. On December 18, 2020, the U.S.
Other companies have started producing vaccines for Covid-19. We are starting to have competition. That is great news for more people being able to get vaccinated, but I worry about protecting our IP.

Do we have a social responsibility to get the information out there so other countries can develop a vaccine to save lives in countries that cannot afford to buy them? IP is critical for pharmaceutical companies; we need to protect out data, creating vaccines is expensive but what price do we put on human lives, and how many lives lost are too many?