Discuss your own opinions about the article in relation to why you feel it is an important trend and how it may or may not affect aspects of gaming that you personally enjoy.

Current game design trend

Share a news article related to a current game design trend. Discuss your own opinions about the article in relation to why you feel it is an important trend and how it may or may not affect aspects of gaming that you personally enjoy.

For this assignment, you must:

Write a reaction to the article which is at least 400 words.

Support your opinions using material quoted from the article with correct parenthetical citation for all quotes. Citations are not included in your word count.

Read and respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

To improve your grade, you can:

Include supporting images to help illustrate salient points.

Use multiple articles to support your opinions. These articles should also be cited correctly.


Find and share information about the gaming industry.


Internet sites

Word processing software