Discuss whether you hold those values yourself and how they are demonstrated in your work.Why are they important?

In a well-developed academic essay of 3 – 4 pages, use Exhibit 5.4 p. 137 and select the cohort to which you belong. Review the column titles “Dominant Work Values”. Discuss whether you hold those values yourself and how they are demonstrated in your work.Why are they important? If you do not hold those same values, explain why and describe the values you do hold and why they are useful.Use supportive material from your reading of chapters 3-5. If you are not employed outside the home, you can adapt this assignment to any environment such as home, church, or community organization.

This assignment requires you to reference material from your text readings with your citations presented in accurate APA style. Review the page “Resources for Success” in the Course Information section of the course for more assistance with research, writing, and formatting of your assignment.review the Written Assignment Evaluation Rubric to determine how you will be evaluated.