Discuss two of the five communication factors in effective team performance. 3. How are the five communication factors related to Performance?
Five communication factors in effective team performance
Write a 1 page essay discussing the following 3 points with at least 1 citation per discussion point in APA for a total of 3 references.
1. What the steps of building a project team- Discuss
2. Discuss two of the five communication factors in effective team performance.
3. How are the five communication factors related to Performance?
To summarize, the research literature identifies five communication factors as important correlates of effective team performance:
1. Supportive Leadership—a leader who is a sound, credible communicator; the leader provides clear direction, keeps the team informed Page 172 about developments in the company, liaises comfortably with key constituencies, and provides accurate and timely feedback to team members
2. Communication Safety—a team in which communication between members is open and constructive
3. Team Reflexivity—a team in which members spend time thinking about what they are doing and how they are working together as a team
4. Task Communication—a project that has clear and agreed objectives as well as clear signposts for successful performance
5. Boundary Spanning—good lines of communication between the team and various stakeholders and constituencies with an interest in the project We postulate that success of the team is to be expected when all five factors are working well.