Discuss trends, especially in % terms, and any notable features of the data.
Follow sales of Peloton company during the pandemic
This is your big research paper. It MUST be analytical, not purely descriptive. Choose ANY relatively narrow product category such as men’s clothing, or beef, or smartphones, etc. YOUR PAPER MUST INCLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS.
1. Follow the sales of your product directly before and throughout the pandemic. Use actual data. Discuss trends, especially in % terms, and any notable features of the data. Tables and/or graphs should be included.
2. USING THE TOOLS DEVELOPED IN CLASS analyze the performance of your product. Scarcity, opportunity cost, supply/ demand shifters, behavioral economics, theory of the firm including transactions cost , and consumer-choice theory are examples of the types of tools you should use.
3. Project what might happen to your product as the pandemic ends BASED ON YOUR ANALYSIS IN (2).
Proper citation methodology is MANDATORY. Penalty points will be assessed for improper citation. This includes in-text cites and a reference list. Proper writing structure—subheadings—is required.