Discuss the Schools and Universities/Community colleges?
● Boundaries What defines the boundaries? Roads, water, railroads. Is the area known for a particular name? What area is this community located in?
● Housing and Zoning What is the age of the houses? Describe type of construction material, appearance, and general condition. Do you see single family housing? Multi-family housing?
● Common Meeting Places Where do people in the neighborhood hang out? Who hangs out there and what hours of the day?
● Indicators of Growth or Decline Is this a “thriving” community or does it look “run down?” Is there new or ongoing construction? Businesses and Industries coming to the area? Are buildings, roadways, and public areas clean and well-kept? Do you see dirt, trash, or graffiti?
● Employment Opportunities What places for employment are there is this area? Name the businesses and industries in this area.
● Transportation How to people get from one place to another? Is public transportation available? How timely is it? Personal autos? Bikes? Walking?
People Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if something was not found within your community area.
● Race and Ethnicity What is the majority racial group represented? What is the majority ethnic group represented? Describe the distribution of gender, approximate ages, single families, multiple families, generational families?
● Cultural Characteristics What cultural similarities or differences do you observe? Languages spoken? Clothing? Ethnic eating places? Culturally based celebrations? Signs in languages other than English?
●Lifestyle Healthy Behaviors What healthy lifestyle behaviors do you observe? Do you see people exercising, wearing helmets when biking, seat belt usage, using trash cans for garbage disposal, healthy eating practices?
● Lifestyle Risk Behaviors What unhealthy lifestyle behaviors do you observe? Do you see people practicing risky lifestyle behaviors such as drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, fighting? Do you see signs of violence, gang activity, drug use, criminal activity, and bars on doors and/or windows? Do you see overweight/underweight persons? Do you see children unattended playing out in the streets? Describe gender, age, and race/ethnicity of persons observed.
● Poverty Indications Do you see any signs of homelessness? People living without adequate shelter or in temporary shelter? Describe gender, age, and race/ethnicity of persons observed.
Services in the Community Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if something was not found within your community area, how far away it is and how people will access it.
● Social Services Do you see evidence of recreation centers, parks, and social services? For services that are not available, how far must persons travel to access these services? Describe each.
● Health Services Do you see evidence of health (Hospitals, Dr’s Offices, Clinics) and mental health services? Describe each. Are there any signs of alternative services in the area, such as healers (curanderos), herbalists, herbal stores, palm readers, acupunctures, chiropractors? For services that are not available, how far must persons travel to access these services?
● Fire and Police Services Do you see any fire and police services/equipment/officers? Where are the closest fire and/or police stations?
● Educational Resources Where is the nearest public library? Discuss the Schools and Universities/Community colleges?
● Religions What signs of religion do you see? Discuss the types of churches, mosques, temples. What services are offered by these places of worship? e.g., Day Care, Mother’s Day Out, Summer Camps, Languages Classes, Citizenship Classes, Food Banks, Clothing, other.
Business & Industry Describe stores and shops available in the community, e.g., grocery stores, gas stations, department stores. What type of business climate exists? Manufactures? Light or heavy industry? Large employers? Small business owners? Retail? Hospitality industry? Do people have to seek employment elsewhere? Is this considered a “bedroom community”- where people work outside this community but live here? Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if something was not found within your community area.
Politics What indicators do you see about politics? Posters? Headquarters? Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if something was not found within your community area.
Media Do you see indicators of what people read? Listen to the radio? Watch TV? Are there any signs of media language other than English? Make sure you address fully what you observed and NOTE if something was not found within your community area.
Key Informants Interview a fireman or police office.
Also interview a librarian, schoolteacher, school nurse or administrator.
Ask each person interviewed to share their perceptions of
the following and cite personal communication as appropriate:
Interview with fireman or police officer
˃ Community’s Health issues
˃ Community’s Safety issues
˃ Strengths of the Community
Interview with librarian, schoolteacher, school nurse or administrator
˃ Community’s Health issues
˃ Community’s Safety issues
˃ Strengths of the Community
Enter the information about your interviews with Key Informants in this space in your template. You will not receive credit if the Key Informant interviews are inserted elsewhere on this template.
Analysis of Windshield Survey Analyze and summarize your observations and the input from key informants. Write a 3-paragraph summary of community health (2) and safety (1) issues for this community and strengthens of the community. Remember to cite personal communication as appropriate: