Discuss the political,social,economic,and environmental factors that influence food markets.
Global food production
QUESTION 1 -1800 Words
Within the context of global food production, discuss the term ‘food security’. Your answer must address the impact at a global, national, and local level highlighting the main challenges and potential impact on markets both in terms of supply and price. (50 marks]
QUESTION 2 – 1800 Words
Discuss the political, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence food markets. In your answer, you must assess the relative importance of trade agreements, tariffs. subsidies, operation of free market systems as well as the importance of international agreements on trade and its impact on the environment. [50 marks]
QUESTION 3 1800 Words
Analyse the potential impact post BrexitlCovid-19 on the market for an agricultural enterprise of your choice. Your answer must address factors affecting the marketing of produce from the enterprise (political, social, economic, and environmental), the legislation and policy shaping the industry, and the impact of any potential change on the future demand for and the supply of the commodity or commodities being discussed.
[50 marks]