Discuss possible methodological,ethical,or moral issues involved in monetizing outcomes.
Program Planning and Evaluation
Discuss possible methodological,ethical,or moral issues involved in monetizing outcomes.
What is the formula for doing a break-even analysis? Provide a definition for fixed costs.
For a health program at the direct services level, the enabling services level, and the population services level, speculate on how fixed and variable costs might change. Discuss the implications of these changes on the results of a break-even analysis.
Compare and contrast cost-only analyses and costs and effects analyses with regard to the costs that are included in the analysis. What effects would an underestimation of costs have? What effects would an overestimation of costs have?
Start your Discussion with the Question so people know what you are discussing.
Look at the rubric below to see what am looking for.
There is no specific word count, but 200-500 words are probably adequate.
Secondary responses.
To get the credit you must engage in discussion. This is your main assignment for the week. “like what you said,” “Great article” or similar are not adequate responses.
A response has no specific word count, but likely 50-150 words are adequate.