Discuss how to utilise leadership and communication skills to engage with stakeholders, promote environmental behaviour and overcome obstacles.


Write an Environment Management Report on the following points based on the household audit that you would do during your course. You must use the provided template to write this report

Your assignment is marked within the range from 1-100, and this will correspond to the marking criteria above.

Anglia Ruskin modules are taught on the basis of intended learning outcomes and, on successful completion of this module, you will be expected to be able to demonstrate you have met these outcomes.

Knowledge and Understanding: Critically apply environmental and sustainability principles, through the implementation of an environmental management system

Evaluate the implications of sustainability at the national, international and global level.

Critically assess and analyse sustainability issues based on real life applications of environmental practices, wellbeing and behavioural change.

Discuss how to utilise leadership and communication skills to engage with stakeholders, promote environmental behaviour and overcome obstacles.

Guidance Resources:

Class lectures and seminars should be carefully followed