Discuss defining factors regarding the competitive bidding process and its survival or failure in the health care arena regarding the implementation of Universal Health Care.

Week 3 discussion questions

Respond to the following:

Assess whether competitive bidding has remained a viable alternative to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that was implemented in 2014. Discuss defining factors regarding the competitive bidding process and its survival or failure in the health care arena regarding the implementation of Universal Health Care. Support your position with real-world examples or scenarios.

Respond to my classmates Josette response below :

Competitive bidding is where contractors submit a bid, like seal bidding, with their most reasonable, competitive price in order to win a contract award. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that was implemented in 2014 provides rights and protections to make health care more affordable and understandable (1). Competitive bidding is a viable alternative to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act when the suppliers are competing for their product at the most reasonable price possible. Defining factors regarding the competitive bidding process and its survival or failure in the health care arena regarding the implementation of Universal Health Care are that suppliers must submit bid prices in the amount that is willing to be accepted as payment (2). Then the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) enters a contract with the durable medical equipment (DME) at the price that has been determined by the competitive bid (2). With a set fee schedule the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services pays the qualified supplier based on their pricing.Have a relative that was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. There are various blood glucose monitors in the market, however only a few are covered by Medicaid. With competitive bidding, all the various blood glucose monitor suppliers will compete to get their product in the market and try to dominate the market that theirs has the best technology and safety. With the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act making it more affordable, it eliminates the competition between suppliers and overall,they will have a flat price and the government and tax payers will have to pay into the bucket to make it affordable.