Discuss a biblical worldview as it relates to the case study,and integrate biblical references to support your discussion.
Corrections program
You will be researching and evaluating residential community supervision programs in this Case
Study Paper Assignment. Choose a particular program (preferably in your area), after exploring the various types of programs outlined in the chapter. These will include halfway houses, work release programs, shock incarceration, correctional boot camp programs as well as other forms of community supervision and programs.
Step 1: Considering your local resources if by using the internet, find a community-based residential correction program. Gather information from the website and/or from a phone interview with a representative from the program. Use the questions below to collect the information from the website and/or ask questions during a phone interview.
Section 1: Program Description
What are the goals of this program?
What tolls or techniques are used to meet these goals?
What is the capacity (how many clients can be treated at 1 time)?
How many contact hours/treatment hours are part of this program?
Section 2: Clients
Who are the clients being served?
What does the typical client look like (gender, age, education, and so on)?
What are the client’s perspectives of the treatment program?
Section 3: Staff
What is the client-to-staff ratio?
What are the staff backgrounds and qualifications?
What are the perspectives of the staff about working there (or about program effectiveness)?
Section 4: Evaluation
How many clients finish the program and how many drop out or do not complete it?
What are the reasons for not completing the program?
What is the daily (or yearly) cost per client served?
Have any clients been tracked after they leave the program? What were the results?
Step 2: Write a case study in Microsoft Word, based on the information you have collected from the website and/or phone interview.
1. Organize the case study using current APA formatting. Begin with a title page. Be sure to include appropriate headings, paragraph structure, and logically connected sentences.
2. Follow with an introduction. Identify the organization you selected, and be sure to include a citation to this source on the reference page. Describe the program, the clients,and the staff.
3. Evaluate the program’s effectiveness. Be sure to apply what you learned about residential community supervision programs from the Learn section to your evaluation.
4. Include a reference page, and support your assertions with evidence from at least 3–5 references. Be sure to cite the references in-text, using current APA formatting. The body of your paper must be a minimum of 5–7 pages.
5. Discuss a biblical worldview as it relates to the case study,and integrate biblical references to support your discussion.
6. Conclude the case study with a substantive summary of key points.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Live in Houston Texas for reference point.