Did you feel uncomfortable speaking to voters, or was it exhilarating? Did you feel like you were doing something important, or pointless? Were you ever bored or nervous?

Political Campaign Service Learning Experience

This journal is to be shared with your instructor and/or your TA, and only your instructor/TA, unless you have explicit permission from the campaign to share your thoughts and experiences more extensively or publicly . It is up to you whether you will share any details of your experiences on social media.

Diary Content
Describe what you did and why. To answer why, please ask the candidate or a member of his/her staff. If you have a chance to converse with the candidate or a member of his/her staff, relate what they say.
Assess whether you think the activities you participated in helped realize the campaign’s goals.
Chronicle how you felt while working with the campaign. For instance, did you feel uncomfortable speaking to voters, or was it exhilarating? Did you feel like you were doing something important, or pointless? Were you ever bored or nervous?
Interpret how people you encounter respond to you, your actions, or the campaign messaging? What might explain their behaviour?
Speculate as to whether there are any broader lessons to be learned about political strategy from your experiences. Did your experience tie into anything we’ve discussed in class so far?