Develop a power point presentation why are you focusing on this?Why is this relevant?cite sources to explain why it is relevant.
Identify a breakdown or imminent breakdown in clinical practice-
Review the class resources for examples that may apply to current practice and describe a high risk situation or risk for error in a case study format.
Identify the type, frequency and repetition of the problem as you can best determine from the literature.
You can use the same topic as your formal paper if that works for you – no need to recreate the wheel
Complete a Failure Mode Effect Analysis-
Use the IHI template
video in assignment to view
Only pick 3-5 processes/sub-processes on the tool
there could be endless processes/sub-processes – only pick 3-5
best educated guess on Likelihood of occurrence, likelihood of detection and severity
calculate RPN – focus on Failure modes with higher RPNs
Highlight highest RPN in PowerPoint – list interventions
1. Develop a power point presentation why are you focusing on this?Why is this relevant?cite sources to explain why it is relevant.
In the assignment – there is a Sample PowerPoint, Sample IHIand also a video to help with the IHI tool.