Describe the primary condition-specific outcome measure.Describe the Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Participants.
Sciatica in Pregnancy
1. Participants
a. Describe the Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Participants
b. Participants: number receiving the treatment and number of controls
c. Describe the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
i. i.e. Describe the presentation of the Diagnostic Criteria that qualifies the
patient/participant to be treated with chiropractic treatment intervention to
be described
d. Describe the Screening Procedures associated with the Inclusion and Exclusion
i. I.e. What screening procedures were performed to include and exclude the
patient from the AOM treatment intervention?
2. Treatment Interventions
a. Describe the intervention
i. Duration and Frequency of treatments
ii. Chiropractic modalities
iii. Self-Care Advice
iv. Exercise
3. Control Condition
a. Describe the control / comparison condition(s).
4. Outcome Assessment
a. What is the primary condition-specific outcome measure?
i. Describe the primary condition-specific outcome measure.
b. What is a general/global primary outcome measure?
i. Describe a visual analog scale, numeric rating scale or global rating of
change (symptom) scale to assess improvement.
c. Include when the outcomes are assessed?
i. Describe the expected improvement in percentages at each assessment
time point for each primary outcome measure.
d. Include Meaningful Clinically Important Differences for the condition-specific
and general/global outcome measures.
5. Include a Study Flow Ch