Describe the importance or significance of this question.Identify elements of effective literature-review articles.

Toxic and Environmental Effects of Benzene and its Compounds: A Systematic Literature Review.

Toxic and Environmental Effects of Benzene and its Compounds: A Systematic Literature Review.

Research question
Are Benzene and its compounds still environmental and health challenges?

Introduction to Identifying and Utilizing Peer-Reviewed Literature
1. Identify elements of effective literature-review articles
2. State the objective of your literature-review paper as a question.
3. Describe the importance or significance of this question.
Create an Annotated Bibliography
1. Identify at least 25 peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to your topic
2. Write a brief description of the research objectives, methods, and findings of each article
3. Provide the full citation and journal “impact factor” for each article
Write the Discussion Section of your paper