Describe in detail a situation in which you have seen one or more biases play a role in a decision that was made in your workplace. Finally, you would describe the effects of the bias as well as your thoughts on how things could/should have been handled differently.

Write an “experience essay” about one of the topics from the course.


Explain the course topic in your own words
Describe in detail how you see that idea unfolding in your own experience.

For example, if you were to choose individual decision making as your topic, you would first briefly describe in your own words what decision biases are, and then define one or more in particular.

Describe in detail a situation in which you have seen one or more biases play a role in a decision that was made in your workplace. Finally, you would describe the effects of the bias as well as your thoughts on how things could/should have been handled differently, based on the course learnings.

For this essay, you may choose to do a “self-audit” of your own skills and tendencies with respect to the concepts presented here, instead of identifying a specific situation.

The essay should be between three to four pages in length. It will be graded based on the precision of your understanding of the concept and the appropriateness of the real-life example.