Demonstrate detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of planning and managing a critical literature review.

Social work research question

Write a critical review of literature (10 – 12 articles) on a chosen theme related to social work (The question will be stated below)

Research question which the paper needs to be based around is;

The effects of BAME children with mental health in the youth justice system?

Length: 8000 words (not including abstract, references or appendices)

The Critical Literature Review must contain (please follow this structure):

Abstract (not part of the word count) maximum 100 words

Introduction (here you are encouraged to support your rationale for your literature review topic with references from other literature/research/scholarship)


Findings: Outline and analysis of key themes

Implications for social work provide consideration of the relevance/implications of the findings to social work practice, including recommendations (include other literature, research, scholarship sources to support your points)


Appendices (can include search table, article summaries, synthesis table and theme index)

Overall Criteria:

Demonstrate research writing abilities,reporting on literature and findings to produce a coherent and structured piece of work.

Demonstrate detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of planning and managing a critical literature review

Demonstrate links between research design, implementation and outputs, and evidence based social work practice.

Relevant and correct use of references