Demonstrate an ability to take an evaluative perspective on the importance of the rule of law within our existing constitutional arrangements and in relation to the functioning and accountability of government
You must comply with OSCOLA referencing rules. Please consult the guides available in the library on OSCOLA alty, which can range from the standard penalty to others that are much more severe.
You must employ a consistent referencing system throughout your work.
5. Module learning outcomes relating to this assessment
This specific question has been set to meet the following module learning outcomes:
Identify the key institutions of the State and examine the relationship between them;
Demonstrate an ability to evaluate key concepts and/or constitutional theories of law with reference to
case law and/or statute;
Identify and examine the methods by which public bodies may be challenged;
Demonstrate an ability to take an evaluative perspective on the importance of the rule of law within our existing constitutional arrangements and in relation to the functioning and accountability of government;
Demonstrate legal research and formal academic writing skills