Demonstrate a good familiarity with and understanding of an appropriate methodological or theoretical perspective,with its central terms and concepts clearly defined.
Issues In Culture
Introduction to methodological or theoretical perspective:
One or more slides that explain and clarify the methodological or theoretical perspective that will inform the critical analysis (e.g. Foucault’s theory of biopolitics or Butler’s performative theory of assembly to analyse its chosen cultural object etc.).
Demonstrate a good familiarity with and understanding of an appropriate methodological or theoretical perspective,with its central terms and concepts clearly defined.
You must demonstrate some familiarity with and manipulation of theoretical perspectives with central terms clearly defined.
One or more slides that outline your central argument or hypothesis: the starting point or assumption of your critical analysis that you will demonstrate and argue for the essay itself.
Explains why the object/issue you have chosen is significant and what you hope or intend to say, reveal, or argue about it in your conclusion.
Suggests, anticipates, or indicates a knowledge of what would make an original analysis, criticism or argument regarding the chosen cultural object or topic, even if that hasn’t been fully developed and substantiated at this stage.
You must demonstrate a clear indication of the direction of the argument with potential to be strong eloquently expressed and show originality and coherence within and between elements and identification of anticipated conclusion that shows synthesis of material and independent judgement.
Engagement with sources:
Where appropriate and relevant, include key textual quotations or visual detail from the primary material i.e., cultural object, and quotations or central terms and ideas from the secondary sources for example, the critical sources used.
Appropriate referencing to explain and illustrate theoretical approach.
This must be supported through relevant sources (either by simply citing, paraphrasing with citation or quotation with citation).