Critically evaluate potential risks and change management challenges associated with implementation of a strategic plan.
Strategy in the Global Marketplace Module code
Module Overview
The module focuses on strategy and strategic management within the global context. Students will learn about strategies that businesses can employ to identify opportunities, gain sustainable competitive advantages and grow. The module explores the effects of globalisation, the ways businesses can adapt to the changing global environment and respond to the emerging challenges and competition. It discusses theory, conceptual frameworks and principles and their application in real life. Students will also explore some of the most important areas in strategic decision-making, including but not limited to production strategy, sustainability, innovation, change and risk management.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this learning, and this module, you will be able to:
Critically appraise the effects of the external environment and globalisation trends and dynamics on an organisation
Identify the opportunities and develop strategies aimed at gaining sustainable competitive advantages
Critically evaluate potential risks and change management challenges associated with implementation of a strategic plan.