Critically evaluate information collected through research and apply this to the relevant industry context. Develop a well-justified, innovative, and realistic start-up business plan.
D1 Knowledge
Content, Knowledge and Understanding
Demonstrate systematic understanding of the sources of innovation and approaches to innovation taken by start-ups. Ability to appreciate uncertain or contradictory data/theories and use informed judgements in applying them where relevant.
D2 Research
Range and Relevance of Research Informed Evidence
Ability to research, select and use relevant market information and other data to justify the market for your start-up, including information on both prospective customers and competitors.
D3 Evaluation
Cognitive/Intellectual Skills
Critically evaluate information collected through research and apply this to the relevant industry context. Develop a well-justified, innovative, and realistic start-up business plan.
D4 Communication
Communication, Organisation and Presentation Express ideas effectively and fluently. Ability to communicate information appropriately and accurately using clear, accurate English, well organised and well presented, with flow and progression.