Critically evaluate an identified need for a service specific innovation. Appraise a range of innovation strategies and models to be used as a framework for decision making.
Extended project coinciding with a pitch and litature review
Staged assessment 8000 words equivalent.
It is permissible to exceed the stated word limit by up to 10%, without penalty. Assignments which exceed these limits are liable to be penalised by the deduction of 5 marks per 1000 words excess .
Specific Guidelines:
Complete a justification and mini literature review relating to an issue that requires improvement.
Devise an artefact/tool that will improve the identified problem, produce a power point and use the power point to pitch the artefact/tool to peers, service users and lecturers in small groups.
Critically discuss the leadership and change theories that would be used to support the innovation process. Your work should draw upon key policy drivers, leadership styles, change theory and models, current supporting research studies and should use the required APA referencing format.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the module, students will be able to:
Critically evaluate an identified need for a service specific innovation.
Appraise a range of innovation strategies and models to be used as a framework for decision making.
Develop an evidence-based business case for a proposed service improvement.
Develop an artefact for a proposed service improvement and pitch this in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the innovation.
Justify and critique the decision-making strategies used to develop the service improvement.