Critically appraise one of the articles including type of article, hierarchy or level of evidence, validity, reliability and relevance to the issue.

Teach-back Method for Discharge Instruction on Discharge Patients Reduces 30-day Readmission

Provide the purpose of the paper and a succinct summary of what the paper will explore.
Provide a 1 – 2 paragraph description of the clinical problem or issue aligned with evidence of the significance of the
issue from more than one perspective.
Provide the formulation of the PICO question and describe how a systematic literature search was conducted using the PICO to identify an innovative intervention to improve the clinical problem or issue to ultimately.
Summarize the two peer reviewed articles and describe their alignment with the PICO question.
Critically appraise one of the articles including type of article, hierarchy or level of evidence, validity, reliability and relevance to the issue.
Discuss how your experience and patient preference informs a potential practice change and embraces the potentially contradictory perspectives to improve the practice change described in the articles. Contact faculty as needed for clarification.
Describe how the innovative intervention could be implemented into practice and include the potential patient outcomes .

Discuss two innovative ideas for dissemination of the intervention outcomes . If you are not clear on the meaning of dissemination of outcomes contact the course faculty .