Critically analyze the ideas in the text to make a claim about the relationship between gender and success and explain this analysis to readers.
• Main Goals for Essay – Be written in 3rd person only-MLA.
• Focus your essay on a strong statement that makes a claim about the relationship between gender and success and provide reasons for that claim .
• Provide effective and developed support for your claim by summarizing the ideas from the texts as appropriate.
• Critically analyze the ideas in the text to make a claim about the relationship between gender and success and explain this analysis to readers.
• Create organized paragraphs that focus on one main point and divide your argument into manageable chunks for your readers.
Texts for Essay – 2 texts+ 1 video+ 2 outside sources
• “I Won. I’m Sorry.” By Mariah Burton Nelson
• “The Lady Vanishes” LINK: vanishes/
• “Windy City Full of Meat” by Tina Fey