Compare your scores with a peer. Do they differ? How?

PSY5262 Psychology Around the World
Portfolio tasks 2021-2022
Choose four out of the eight tasks below.
write 450-550 words for each section . Each section must contain citations, and there must be a single reference list at the end of the portfolio. This must be organised as one list, arranged alphabetically by author
The references list does not count towards the word count.
The referencing system to be used in this module is the APA system, version 7.
Each section of the portfolio will be marked using the marking criteria. The final mark will be an average of marks in each section.
1. Forms of cultural transmission
Write a short reflective essay on your personal experience of each form of cultural
transmission .
2. Culture and Gender
Choose two cultural contexts that differ greatly in terms of differences between boys and
girls socialisation. Discuss the possible factors affecting these differences.
3. Culture and the Self
1. Score yourself on the two self-construals )using
Singelis’  measure.
2. Write a short reflective essay on your scores, after having addressed the points below:
– Compare your scores with a peer. Do they differ? How?
– Do you think your scores are in the range you would have expected for yourself? E.g., are you surprised you scored higher on one than on the other?
– Do you mostly agree with the author’s way of thinking about and measuring the self-
construals? Why and why not?
– Refer to the literature to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying/testing
self- construals.
– How are self-construals changing  in the globalizing world of today?