How do the issues or ideas brought up during the week align with past experiences or readings?Do the ideas contradict or support each other?

Reflection Paper

How do you write a high quality reflection paper?

Identify main themes of the week (what topic are we studying?)

Review notes, lecture slides and readings for specific material that interests you, or stands out as important. This could be a quote, a concept, a case study discussed in class, or something that your classmates mentioned during discussion.

Consider the following questions:

Does the reading, lecture, or experience challenge you socially, culturally, or intellectually? If so, how? What elements bothered you or caught your attention?

Has the reading, lecture, or experience changed your way of thinking? Did it conflict with beliefs you held previously, and what evidence did it provide you with that changed your mind?

Does the reading, lecture, or experience leave you with any questions? Were these questions ones you had previously or ones you recently developed?

Are there any important issues or concerns that were overlooked? Could a certain fact or idea have dramatically changed your conclusions about the topic?

How do the issues or ideas brought up during the week align with past experiences or readings?Do the ideas contradict or support each other?

Describe how ontological humility is the first step to gaining epistemic wisdom.

Ontological Humility

Must: Have an introduction which explains different parts of the assessment. must contain a hook, background information, and overarching thesis sentence.

Must have incorporation of the following articles:

Munro, I. (2019, July 6). Ontology (my big word of the month) and humility. Leading Essentially.
This blog introduces readers to the concept of ontological humility. The concept was penned by Fred Kofman in Conscious Business. Ontological humility is the first step to recognizing, admitting, and embracing the idea that there is more we do not know than what we know. The more we know the more we realize how little we know.

Murray, T. (2008). Exploring epistemic wisdom: Ethical and practical implications of integral theory and methodological pluralism for collaboration and knowledge-building [PDF]. Ethics & Methodological Pluralism, ITC 2008.

This thought piece describes how ontological humility is the first step to gaining epistemic wisdom. Read through this with an open mind and realization that there might be sections which are confusing to you today, and that is ok. You will want to re-read this article throughout the program and consider how your understanding of the concepts have become clearer over time.
Note that this site only allows a limited number of downloads each day. You might find it helpful to save the article to another location to ensure you can access it when you want.

order of paper
Cognition – presented in one paragraph
Assumptions on Business model
analysis of organizational redesign: BMI
analysis of organizational redesign: assumptions
double publishing
false assumptions scenario

This program is in business administration with a concentration in strategy and innovation

The paper is to analyze the articles provided and synthesize them into a well organized. and cohesive 6 page paper – answering the questions within the attached assessment instructions and using the above outline.

Explain three things that are important to you and how they have shaped your perspective of the world.Elaborate on how these experiences have influenced your future ambitions and/or career choice.

No Paper – Scholarship Essay

Answer the follow questions:

Identify a quote that is reflective of you as a leader and explain why you selected this quote. 100 Words

Some say social media is superficial, with no room for expressing deep or complex ideas. We challenge you to defy these skeptics by describing yourself as fully and accurately as possible in the 280-character limit of a tweet.

Explain three things that are important to you and how they have shaped your perspective of the world.Elaborate on how these experiences have influenced your future ambitions and/or career choice.

400 -500 Words

Analyze the information obtained based on clinical practice standards,the laws,and the literature.

The purposes of this assignment are to familiarize the student with one advanced practice registered nurse’s role in one or more practice setting(s), and to demonstrate the student’s ability to analyze the ways in which the APRN complies, or fails to comply with, current laws and practice standards and evidence in the literature.

Student will arrange to interview, virtually, an advanced practice nurse (CNS, NP, CRNA, or CNM). Note: You have the option of doing this final paper with one other student, in which case you will need to add a paragraph after the references section that outlines/justifies your participation in the completion of the paper as part of your grading rubric. Use the interview questions listed below as a guide for paper content. Note that the interview questions address objectives listed throughout the four modules of the course.

Finally, analyze the information obtained based on clinical practice standards,the laws,and the literature. For each question refer to the BON, certifying boards or peer-reviewed journals to identify and document the appropriate and necessary actions the APRN should take.

For instance, analyzing the accuracy and adequacy or the APRN’s job description and explaining the purpose of a job description. Note that this paper is not supposed to be a transcript of your interview, but that you should use the literature and readings from the course to supplement and analyze components of your interview. For example, the question related to APRNs and policy involvement, if your APRN states she does not have time for being involved in policy involvement, finding some literature out there related to prevalence or challenges of APRN involvement in policy. Please review the rubric for the paper when writing the paper as the analysis piece of it is worth 35 points. The analysis should be brief but thorough. References should be cited in the analysis and included on the reference list according to APA style.

Write and format the paper using APA, 7th edition, with a maximum length of 7 pages (excluding title page and appendices). Any sample documents (e.g., APRN’s job description, performance evaluation) may be placed in the Appendix and are NOT included in the page limit.

Briefly explain one ethics issue that confronted Lt. Coughlin.What two values are in conflict from Lt. Coughlin’s perspective (Value A [Value Set A] vs. Value B [Value Set B])?

Leadership and Ethics

This reflection activity involves practicing assessing role(s) of ethics agents and spotting the ethics issue(s). First, watch the PBS video linked below titled She Rocked the Pentagon. It is about 12 minutes and involves the ethical decision making of former Navy Lt. Paula Coughlin following the sexual assault scandal at the Tailhook convention in 1991. Note that this content is disturbing as it describes instances of rape and sexual assault, so prepare yourself emotionally beforehand. If you believe that you will find it to be personally traumatizing,contact me. By midnight on Sunday, Week 5, please record a reflection in the Flipgrid online platform using the video or audio only option for recording. Within the reflection, address the following points:

(Capstone) In the context of a job interview question, provide a response to the following question: Please explain three professional skills that you developed or reinforced as part of your degree program at EKU. Degree program is HOMELAND SECURITY.

(PBS Video) Briefly explain how Lt. Coughlin demonstrated one of the ethical agent role(s) as described on pages 19-20 in chapter 1 of the Newell book.

(PBS Video) Briefly explain one ethics issue that confronted Lt. Coughlin.What two values are in conflict from Lt. Coughlin’s perspective (Value A [Value Set A] vs. Value B [Value Set B])? Mention both the conflicting values and the associated value sets as described in chapters 2 and 3 of the Newell book; see pp. 26, 27, and 40.

Must cite the video:

What goals or purposes do these sources seem to have in common?What is significant about the ways in which these sources are connected in conversation?

Causes of Child Labor

Have already used 5 sources for pre assignments this week that the paper will need to be based on as well. Will send those When you ask for them

Module 2 Assignment: Literature Review


A literature review allows you to consider what is known about a topic, and allows you to show that you have listened to the most credible voices in the conversation in your research. It gives you a chance to show that you see how other voices in the conversation relate to one another, as you begin to add your own voice to that conversation. You will consider some of the following questions to better understand the conversation on this topic: Whose perspectives are voiced most often? Why? What are those voices saying? Who seems to be the biggest player in this discussion? Start to look for patterns in what is being said and by whom. Think about the sources you evaluated in this discussion. Are they the most credible voices? Do they represent perspectives who are active in this conversation?

You should spend approximately 8 hours on this assignment.


Research: Research the same topic you began researching in your discussion assignments. Access the CCCOnline Library Databases, and search for five sources that you believe will be useful to your research project. (You may use sources from your Source Scavenger Hunt.) Try to find the most credible resources on this topic. If you see that many other sources link to or cite a source, then you should attempt to find and use that source in your own research.

Pre-Write: Carefully read and annotate your five sources. Complete the synthesis matrix to help you organize their key ideas in relation to one another.

Pre-Write: Look closely at the patterns of information you see. Consider where the key ideas in these sources overlap. Where do the sources seem to say similar things? Where do they disagree? What evidence do they hold in common? What evidence is completely different? What goals or purposes do these sources seem to have in common?What is significant about the ways in which these sources are connected in conversation?

Write: Analyze the sources you see as most prevalent and significant in this conversation. Analyze the conversation you see happening around this topic. Focus on the sources and the perspectives, and not a summary of the debate or the issue. Consider what sources are credible, whose perspectives they represent, and what role in the conversation each source plays. Without summarizing the resources, write a synthesis where you analyze what these sources say and the patterns in information you see amongst these sources. When you state that two sources are similar, you must show how they are similar and analyze why their similarity is significant. Explore how these voices are in conversation with one another.

Your essay should contain 4-5 quotations from your sources, and it should include paraphrasing of other main ideas. Be sure to use quotation marks and in-text citations appropriately and responsibly.
Your essay should be approximately 850 words.

Be sure to correctly format your essay in MLA Style and create an MLA Works Cited page. Need help with MLA? Please refer to the CCCOnline MLA Citation Toolkit

Once your essay is written, revised, and proofread, you may submit it to the Module 2 Assignment folder: Literature Review

See the Course Schedule, Course Rubrics, and Grading and Evaluation sections in the Syllabus module for due dates and grading information.

In what way has your upbringing and/or current situation limited your exposure or increased your exposure to other cultures and races?

Understanding Others Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop your Six Areas of Diversity
Consciousness, as discussed in Chapter Four of the Bucher book. Specifically, it is designed to help you examine yourself and your world, explore your knowledge of others and their worlds, step outside of yourself, and gauge the level of the playing field.

You should answer the following questions about yourself and then ask the same questions of at least one other person from a different demographic identity group. Your goal is to first get a deeper understanding of your own experience and then to understand the world through the eyes of someone from a different demographic group. Give special attention to others’ workplace or school-related experiences. I encourage you to choose a target group outside your own comfort zone. You may ask to interview another class member or someone else from the school community, your community, or the workplace.

Template and Specific Instructions for your paper:

Students should use the bold items below as headings for the paper:

Introduction: Give a brief introduction of the person(s) you chose to interview and why you chose that person. You should also describe in what way the person(s) you chose are from a different demographic group as you, using the course material to describe the different demographic identity groups. Be sure to also explain why you chose someone from that particular group and what you hoped to learn from interviewing that particular person.

Analysis of Answers: Analyze the results of your own answers and the answers of the person(s) you interviewed to in order to describe the differences and similarities of your experiences and viewpoints to another from a different demographic

Differences and Similarities: Describe your thoughts and analysis of the difference and similarities between your answers to the questions and the answers of the person(s) you interviewed. Explain why, in your opinion, the answers are different or similar. Explain, in your opinion, how your and the other person’s dimension of diversity affect the answers and explain the similarities and differences.
Relation to Course Concepts Ties your explanations to the concepts in the class. How did the information from the questions relate to the course concepts or help you understand the course concepts better?

Learning Experience: Describe what learned about yourself, your world, and others and their worlds?

How does what you learn help you develop your own cultural awareness and competency. Explain
Conclusion: You should conclude by explaining how what you have learned through this assignment will help you to understand cultural competency and the importance of diversity in the workplace. You should also identify strategies for increasing awareness of multiculturalism and personal and organizational cultural competence.

Length and format:

Your paper should be typed, double-space spaced, between paragraphs. The assignment will be graded on both the student’s reflections and the student’s writing in terms of grammar: sentence structure, punctuation, coherence, and spelling. The paper should be at least 4-7 pages in length, although you will not be penalized for a longer paper. Grammar and spelling do count as part of the grade.

Am looking for more than a paper restating your answers and the other persons’ answers. I am looking for an analysis of both the similarities and differences between the answers and your explanation of why those similarities and differences exist, using course materials and your own thoughts. The analysis and thoughtful reflection are more important than the summary of answers to questions.

Example of questions you can ask yourself and in your interview:

Some of these are on page 102 of the Bucher Book. You do not have to use all these questions and you are free to use your own questions or a combination. You can also modify the questions as you see fit as long as you can get the information you need to meet the requirements of the paper.

What is your name? Does your name have a meaning or significance? What is it?
Where and when were you born?

What is your family background? Who raised you? Whom did you consider ”family” growing up? Where did you spend your childhood? What place in which you lived has influenced you the most?

What kind of community did you grow up in? Where do you currently live (ie rural, suburban, urban).

How do you think your family and community environment in which you grew up affected you?

What was your social class background when you grew up? Describe the level of education and types of jobs held by those who raised you. Did you and your family experience upward or downward mobility?

How did that affect you? How have your experiences in the United States influenced your ideas of the “American Dream”?

What schools did you attend? Did you feel like you belonged or were an outsider in your school? Why?

Did you feel like you had to “leave your culture at home” in order to be accepted at school? Were the values you learned at school similar to the values you learned at home?

How has your identity been influence by your race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation (dis)abilities, and/or social class? How important were these to your identity, goals, and values?

Cultural Encapsulation: In what way has your upbringing and/or current situation limited your exposure or increased your exposure to other cultures and races?

Diversity Consciousness: In what ways do you think your family background, life experiences, and education influenced your diversity consciousness? What do you think your most difficult challenge will be as you work on developing your own diversity consciousness? What is your greatest strength in developing your diversity consciousness?

Sphere of influence: Whom do you “touch” or influence at the present? Whom do you think you will influence in the future? Whom would you say has been your greatest influence and why? Whom do you admire, professionally (it could be someone you know or a famous leader)?

What motivates you? What are your hobbies and interests? What are your goals in life? How do you want to be remembered?

What kinds of learning experiences are memorable for you and what are not?

What about your personality makes you unique? What makes you different from your family?