Why have some countries profited hugely from GVCs and others not at all? Does institutional quality matter? How is Tunisia doing compared to other countries?

Global Value Chains: Tunisia, a development perspective

Global Value Chains in Tunisia:
Main toppic to address:
Why have some countries profited hugely from GVCs and others not at all? Does institutional quality matter? How is Tunisia doing compared to other countries?
Tunisia’s participation and opportunities.

And adding any other points/chapters that are missing/could be important

The thesis should be 40 pages without the summary page, the abstract page and the bibliography.

What are the arguments in favour of higher share price for your chosen company’s stock?What are the arguments for a bearish outlook?

Fundamental analysis and technical analysis and reflect on finance lab simulation and trading

Assessment Task: carry out fundamental analysis and technical analysis and reflect on finance lab simulation and trading.

Section A: Fundamental Analysis

Investment analysts often do not agree on the intrinsic value of a company’s stock. Please select a stock, do research online and answer the following questions based on fundamental analysis of the company, its sector, and the economy.

⦁ What are the arguments in favour of higher share price for your chosen company’s stock?
⦁ What are the arguments for a bearish outlook?
⦁ Do you think your chosen company’s stock is currently overvalued, fairly valued, or undervalued? Please explain.
⦁ Please open a free seekingalpha user account . No need for subscription.
⦁ Read recent articles about your chosen company and summarize arguments for both bullish and bearish predictions for the future performance of your chosen stock.
⦁ For point c, carry out SWOT analysis that include the analysis of the company, its sector and the economy and make your own judgement on whether its stock is currently overpriced, underpriced or fairly priced. Please make good use of trailing P/E ratio and forward P/E ratio.

Explain what the policy is about and then analyze and document its pros and cons,the success,and failures,and provide recommendations that could have possibly improved the overall success of the policy or should have been considered in its replacement policy.

The Success and Failures of NAFTA

The overall context of the the context for this paper is U.S-Mexico Border Policy. This paper/assignment should analyze and document the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) policy.

Explain what the policy is about and then analyze and document its pros and cons,the success,and failures,and provide recommendations that could have possibly improved the overall success of the policy or should have been considered in its replacement policy.

The paper must have an introduction, sub-sections, conclusions, and a properly referenced bibliography. The paper must include a minimum of 10 references (essentially academic, but some non-academic sources may be used as well as long as they are from well respected sources such as major newspapers).

Determine whether or not the use of the process in NFPA 550 could have prevented or mitigated this incident.

Fire Science

After reviewing Fire at Watts Bar Hydroelectric Plant, write and submit a 2-3 page essay (excluding title and reference pages) that covers the following:

Determine whether or not the use of the process in NFPA 550 could have prevented or mitigated this incident.

Be sure to support your content with reference to demonstrate your ability to link course concepts with practical application.

Sources need to be in APA7 format