What is the specific gap that you have identified in theory that this research will address?

The impact of length of contract on employee productivity

Your chapter needs a half-page introduction to tell the reader the content of the chapter – before you begin the debate.
Analytical review of contemporary ACADEMIC literature  specifically related to the research question. This needs EVERY paragraph to have multiple references to different relevant, contemporary, academic sources.

Use the electronic journals library & Google Scholar. Use sub-headings as appropriate to make things easy to follow. DO NOT use third level headings please – they will make your work too fragmented!

Based on the above discussion -what is the specific gap that you have identified in theory that this research will address? Use lots of relevant references here.

Briefly consider rejected alternatives strategies – and why you rejected them. Discuss sampling strategy you have adopted – with justification for decisions taken here.

The impact of length of contact on Employee productivity

3.1 Do NOT waste words on generic discussion of research philosophy*. Which adopted philosophical stance you are using and WHY. Also, briefly consider rejected alternatives – and why you rejected them. Use relevant academic methodology references throughout section 3.1.

3.2 What research strategy have your selected as the most appropriate for your research – and why. Justification is needed for decisions taken. Also, briefly consider rejected alternatives strategies – and why you rejected them. Discuss sampling strategy you have adopted – with justification for decisions taken here.

Develop a theoretically informed, comprehensive, and effective case management and risk plan for a client in a specialist family violence context.

Critical Reflection on skill development with theory narrative Specialist Family Violence Case Coordination and Management

For this assessment students will write a critical reflection with a theory narrative on their assessment interviews and corresponding case plan, reflecting on both their skill development and challenges, the appropriateness of their safety and case plan given the information gained in the assessment and case planning process . This task delivers on all the Course Learning Outcomes.
Explain the theoretical underpinning of case coordination and management practice, incorporating a person-centred, trauma informed, strengths-based approach to practice in a specialist family violence context.
Develop a theoretically informed, comprehensive, and effective case management and risk plan for a client in a specialist family violence context.
Critically reflect on the practice skills and knowledge required to work ethically and effectively with clients in a case management relationship.

How true is this statement? Using examples from one developed nation and one LMIC nation analyse the differences  in policies pursued by big tobacco companies, and evaluate the reasons for this.

As the promotion and sale of cigarettes has become more restricted in the developed world, tobacco companies have begun to market their products more aggressively in low and middle income countries “.

How true is this statement? Using examples from one developed nation and one LMIC nation analyse the differences  in policies pursued by big tobacco companies, and evaluate the reasons for this.

Would many unions have succeeded in eliminating gender, racial, and ethnic pay disparities if they had practiced union democracy, or did all initiative for equal pay for equal work reside with management?

LHR 458Y – History of Work in America – Student Commentary 9

Attached is the rubric.

Keep in mind for this assignment you must cite references from two different primary sources only from the list below.

Primary Sources List:

Assignment Instructions:

Incorporate the authors and/or truncated titles of your two selected primary source documents into your Commentary. Remember, your Commentary is NOT a review, rephrasing, or regurgitation of the readings but your attempt to find the underlying or “hidden” or “behind the scene” meaning of the two selected primary sources. In other words, what is the moral of the story?

Would many unions have succeeded in eliminating gender, racial, and ethnic pay disparities if they had practiced union democracy, or did all initiative for equal pay for equal work reside with management?

What are Simon’s needs as revealed or suggested in this scenario?What strengths and protective factors are present in the scenario?

Preferably a Scottish writer – Analysis and application in regards to an interview between a service user and a social worker

This is probably best taken by a someone from Scotland as know the accent can be a bit harsh. The assessment itself is based on assessing needs and how to apply it to a scenario. The theory itself is done all I need is application to the video with Simon and the social worker, from there you’ve to apply each part of the template which are:

What’s my problem? – Identify the main problem that is presented in the video and what other issues are there?

Me and my world – Describe and offer a brief analysis of Lesley’s family, social structure, and environment.

Needs – What are Simon’s needs as revealed or suggested in this scenario?

Risks – What are the risks that are present in this scenario?

Strength and protective factors – What strengths and protective factors are present in the scenario?

My analysis – According to Milner and O’Byrne , having collected all of the information, you need to analyse it. What is your analysis of Simon’s circumstances?

Process – Drawing on learning from this module, identify the interview approaches which John uses in the interview to focus the interview and to involve Simon in his own self-assessment. To what extent is this strategy successful?

Action plan – Based on these key features, create a plan for intervention for Simon


What is a mancession, and why is this concept misleading? How did these men respond to the mancession? Give specific examples.

Family and society

1) Based on the Module Work and Families – lecture: What is the second shift? Why do women do most of it? How does the gender pay gap often relate to the second shift? Based on reading (35)Gerson: What do these women and men want ideally in terms of family and paid work? Why do they have a Plan B?

What are the differences between the women’s Plan B vs the men’s Plan B? Based on reading Meyers and Demantas: What is a mancession, and why is this concept misleading? How did these men respond to the mancession? Give specific examples.

Demonstrate why you are using some methods and why not using others.

The impact of austerity measures on prisons in England and Wales.

Title of the section Methods of social research. In this research proposal, you need to demonstrate an understanding of the methods.

Demonstrate why you are using some methods and why not using others.
Becoming familiar with these examples written for other purposes will give you a sense of the tone/approach/content/justification/reference to methods literature that is expected in a research proposal document, these examples will give you insight into how others have tackled the task of writing a proposal.

Explain the purpose and use of the practice approach within the human services sector including the diversity of the service users.

Will practitioners in Australia be using the same approaches to practice in 2030 as they are using in 2020 in Human Services

The human services sector in Australia is constantly evolving and undergoing change across all fields of practice. These changes affect the approaches to practice those practitioners adopt in the field. Will practitioners in Australia be using the same approaches to practice in 2030 as they are using in 2020?
1. Explain the purpose and use of the practice approach within the human services sector including the diversity of the service users.
2. Evaluate the practice approach and make recommendations for how that practice approach can remain relevant over the next 10 years within the human services sector in Australia.