Define and discuss the type of violence you chose (Adults- IPV or children-FV).

Option A: Adults who experience Intimate partner violence (Intimate
Partner Violence)
Option B: Children who witness Family Violence (Family Violence)
The paper must include all of the following:
1. Define and discuss the type of violence you chose (Adults- IPV
or children-FV)
2. Identify symptoms the victim may experience related to the
type of violence you chose
3. Identify patterns of behavior of perpetrators towards the
population you chose
4. How does the role of culture impact your population?
1 / 2
5. Identify and discuss 1 Law that addresses: (focus on the
population of your paper)
1. The victim
2. The Perpetrator
6. Identify and discuss 1 program that is national or located in
your geographic area that addresses: (focus on the population
that is the focus of your paper)
1. The victim
2. Perpetrator
7. You are a social worker in a program that provides services to
the population that is the topic of this paper. Really think about
this question, be specific in your details what is the role of the
social worker? How will they do the work?
1. Develop a program related to enhancing your agency’s
emergency services that will address services during
the CoVid 19 pandemic that will address the agency’s
ability to identify and serve those who are not visible
and have lost access to shelters, schools, services due
to the impact of the virus.
8. What have you learned from this course that you will use in
social work practice?

Describe a time that you viewed a belief, value, or behavior of a different culture to be “wrong” in comparison to a related belief, value, or behavior of your own culture.


Ethnocentrism is the notion that the beliefs, values, norms, and practices of one’s own culture are superior to those of others. When have you experienced ethnocentrism? Describe a time that you viewed a belief, value, or behavior of a different culture to be “wrong” in comparison to a related belief, value, or behavior of your own culture. What elements of that belief, value, or behavior caused you to think that way? Do you still maintain the same view? Why or why not?

Identify an ethical issue/ethical dilemma or a challenging situation you experienced in the context of your placement or project-based placement and plan a response.

Identify an ethical issue/ethical dilemma or a challenging situation you
experienced in the context of your placement or project-based placement
and plan a response. Relate this to the principles, values and
responsibilities outlined in the ACWA code of ethics and other relevant
theoretical frameworks.

What makes insider claimsmakers effective and how do they frame issues so that outsider claimsmakers are thwarted in their attempts to gain ownership of the issue at hand?

Prompt 4
How do insider claimsmakers operate? First, read chapter 4 of Joel Best’s Social Problems and then watch the attached video. Then answer the following questions: How are environmental and economic problems shaped by insider claimsmakers? What makes insider claimsmakers effective and how do they frame issues so that outsider claimsmakers are thwarted in their attempts to gain ownership of the issue at hand? As you write think about all the different ways that expert discourse that can be challenged and the ways that Exxon’s lobbists effectively challenged outsider scientific efforts to put climate issues as serious social problems to be solved through the their rhetoric, resource mobilization, and reframing of an issue.

What potential barriers can you identify that may impede client’s progress?Discuss

Using one of the Case Studies provided, in 1.5-2.5 pages you will identify the following:
• What is the client’s overall issue?
• Using 1 or 2 of the psychosocial theories, analyze/explain client’ situation or behavior
• What are the client’s immediate needs? Long-term needs?
• What are the client’s strengths?
• What potential barriers can you identify that may impede client’s progress?
• What community resources can you access to assist the client?
• How will you know the issue has been resolved?
• Identify a minimum of one policy (local, state, federal, etc.) that will effect your work with this client? (I am located in New Jersey)