Examine basic religious beliefs common to all forms of Buddhism,how does it compare to basic Hindu religious beliefs?

World Religion

Examine basic religious beliefs common to all forms of Buddhism,how does it compare to basic Hindu religious beliefs?

Include GED250 World Religion on each page of written assignment (this is in case your materials become separated).

Begin each written assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).

Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e. an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).

Responses must be as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size. Word count 400- 500 words or 1 – 2 pages. Format:MLA

Briefly reflect on your personal response to the text and how it might be applied in your context.

Critical review on Eugene Peterson,Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity

Write a 800-word critical review for the following book:

Students are required to set out their book review assignment according to the below criteria. The Turabian bibliographical reference to your reviewed book must appear at the top of the page where your review assignment begins (on the page after your cover sheet). Using the structure set out below, write your book review (without any subheadings):

Open your review with a brief (1-2 sentence), general observation about the area of study the book addresses

Introduce the author and book, explaining the book’s context (e.g., the intended audience, the author’s cultural background, etc.)

Explain the main argument (thesis) of the book

Outline the author’s main arguments (including how these are developed throughout and contribute towards the book’s)

Summarise the strengths of the book

Summarise the shortcomings of the book suggest how these might be rectified (note: make sure to critique the author’s arguments and methodology)

Briefly reflect on your personal response to the text and how it might be applied in your context

Outline any unique contributions this book makes to the area of study

Conclude your review by summing up the merits and faults of the book, ending with some words about what the author has achieved with this book – not yourself or the area of study.


In this task, you are not required to refer to other sources (though if you feel it adds to a point you are making, this is fine just make sure to reference correctly, as noted below)

Do not use subheadings

For your reviewed book, only direct quotes need to reference, done so using Turabian footnoting. You do not need to put your reviewed book in the bibliography, as you should have the bibliographical reference at the start of your assessment (as noted above).

If you refer to any other sources besides your reviewed book (either directly or indirectly), you must reference these with Turabian footnoting, as well as a Turabian-style bibliography at the end of your assessment

How does Harvey outline the meaning of the Four Noble Truths,and how does he define the term differently than others?”

The four noble truths in buddhism

Need you to write a 700 word essay based on this question,”How does Harvey outline the meaning of the Four Noble Truths,and how does he define the term differently than others?”

Do not use any outside source, there is only one source that will be providing and the essay has to be based off of that. harvey is the writer of the source that will be including in the uploaded file.

Include a biblography and a ciatation page, if you can not figure out the ciatation its fine to leave it blank, but the bibliography must be completed

How does a Lutheran perspective shape the reading of this text?How is the text all about Jesus?How doe the text “translate” the reader?

Reflect upon the approaches to the Bible of Christian theologians from around the world

In your paper,interact with two theologians and how they approach the Bible.

For one of the theologians, you may pick any one of the Christians that you read in the Global Perspectives part of the course.
For the second theologian, I want you to read a short article by Donavon Riley (linked below).

Riley graduated from CSP and has gone on to be a Lutheran pastor. You can also get the article from his blog here.

You will select one of these “well-loved texts” as the focus for your project.

Genesis 8:13-22
Ruth 1:6-17
Psalm 27:1-14
Isaiah 25:6-10
Matthew 6:5-15
Luke 15:11-24
John 15:1-11
Romans 8:31-39

Your Signature Project will have the following sections:

Introduction to the Project including a thesis statement (a one -sentence summary of how you will answer the question in the conclusion).

Discussion of the text itself showing your ability to state its historical/cultural and literary contexts. You will answer the question: what did this text say to its first hearers?

Discussion of your chosen Christian perspective. You will answer the question: how would your writer interpret/read this text in his/her context?

Discussion of the Lutheran perspective. You will answer the question: How does a Lutheran perspective shape the reading of this text?How is the text all about Jesus?How doe the text “translate” the reader?

Conclusion. You will answer the question: What have I learned about the process of interpreting the Bible through this exercise.

A list of sources cited.

You should write this paper using standard academic English and follow the MLA style guide. It will likely take you five to eight pages to do so.


Explore disciplinary biases that may support or inhibit the study of religion.

Instant Karma and Internet Karma: Karmic Memes and Morality on Social Media

A detailed instruction how to write paper you can find in a file “instructions”. Please, carefully follow those steps, otherwise I will ask you to rewrite the paper until all requirements will be met.

The main topic I mentioned above should be discussed and wisely critiqued.

In a document you will find detailed explanation what you need to write and what structure is required.

Put reading materials from the course and essential one for this topic is gonna be “UNIT SEVEN KARMA”

More to the point, you are expected to:
clearly identify a topic and a problem to examine, i.e., a theory/practice in religion/digital life;
Develop a specific argument and to defend a conclusion;
Explain relevant concepts and background theories/methods;
Explore disciplinary biases that may support or inhibit the study of religion;
Show an understanding of important discussions (in academia) about the strengths and weaknesses of varying theoretical approaches to the study of religion.

Describe the place and its history, explaining why and how the adherents of a particular religion use it.

Writing Assignment 2 Parameters and Standards

All religions have places (or spaces) that are considered important for their adherents. Often called “sacred or religious spaces,” these locations can take many forms and serve a variety of functions. They can be structures that are utilized by the faithful in ritual and/or ceremony, shrines to commemorate special places, landmarks of religious significance, or areas of terrain considered important. For this writing, compose an essay in which you explore one of the religious spaces (or places) provided below.
Describe the place and its history, explaining why and how the adherents of a particular religion use it.

What challenges presented in the encyclical might be of interest? Explain them in the essay and then from the perspective of NEUROSCIENCE.

Laudato Si Encyclical Letter: Challenges and Possible Contribution from the Perspective of Neuroscience

Read the encyclical letter Laudato SI. Then write an essay where you identify challenges found in the encyclical letter, from a neuroscience perspective. Depending on the field of study of the person, some challenges may attract their attention while others may be struck by other challenges presented in the encyclical letter. Keeping neurosciences in mind, what challenges presented in the encyclical might be of interest? Explain them in the essay and then from the perspective of NEUROSCIENCE, what would be the contributions that would benefit the solution of the problem that you have been able to identify.