What dimensions do you see differently now, and which dimensions has the course reinforced? How do you see the practices of discipleship, spiritual formation, and mission differently or more clearly considering this course?

Theology of the Gospel Paper Assignment
In this paper, you will synthesize the concepts explored in the course related to a theology of the gospel and reflect on the relevance for those theological concepts in your practice of Christian ministry.
The paper must articulate the following:
1) How would you define the “gospel” in light of the insights gained in this course? What key texts and ideas tie the Bible together and inform your understanding of the “big story” that Scripture is telling about God and his love for his world?
2) How would you articulate this “big story” in the context of a conversation with an
unbeliever? What would you deem the major elements necessary to sufficiently
communicate the gospel in an interpersonal context? Be sure to set this discussion in an interpersonal, conversational context with any considerations this would necessitate.
3) How does a “theology of the gospel” as explored in this course inform your approach to ministry? What dimensions do you see differently now, and which dimensions has the course reinforced? How do you see the practices of discipleship, spiritual formation, and mission differently or more clearly considering this course?

What are the central elements in the story, and how is the gospel related to each of these? How does framing the gospel in terms of this big narrative do justice to the unity of the Scriptures?

Discussion Thread: The Grand Story of the Gospel


This is a graded discussion: 100 points possible

Reflecting on your readings in McKnight and Bates, and utilizing the metanarrative options discussed in the Website Article: Putting the Bible Together, how might you frame the big picture of the biblical narrative? What are the central elements in the story, and how is the gospel related to each of these? How does framing the gospel in terms of this big narrative do justice to the unity of the Scriptures?


What is the topic that you have selected? What is the thesis sentence which introduces your topic and begins the foundation for your paper’s direction?

Select a topic for further research based on one of the aspects that may contradict traditional family values. Then present a course of action to defend traditional family values to include a comparison and contrast of the significant aspects of each that has been presented. There will need to be an analysis of research on each element which can be found in the Liberty Online Library (JFL).

This is not an abstract and is not an opinion based presentation. Please be sure that you are answering all questions below when selecting a topic. Research will be necessary for this project to be successful.

The topic rationale should answer every one of the following questions:

What is the topic that you have selected? What is the thesis sentence which introduces your topic and begins the foundation for your paper’s direction?
What is the historic significance of this topic and how has this topic been addressed in times past? What are the contradictions that go against or support traditional family values based on the course insights?
How does this topic introduce a course of action to defend traditional family values?

Did you better understand class? Which part helped most and why? After Reading Jalal Al-e Ahmed’s writing, what did you think of the pilgrimage?

Answer the following

Read Islam Reading and Jalal Al-e Ahmad Reading and answer the following.

, Complete sentences, no outside sources.

After Reading the Islam reading, did you better understand class? Which part helped most and why?

After Reading Jalal Al-e Ahmed’s writing, what did you think of the pilgrimage? Did it help clarify for you what hajj might be like? Which part did you find the most interesting and why?

Describe how the acts of worship from a stream different from you own might enhance worship in your community. Also, describe how you think this service might work in your church context .

Converging Nondenomination and Liturgical

Write a conclusion of three to four paragraphs stating how this service could enable transformative worship in your context.

Identify potential risk associated with converging the streams in your context.

Describe how the acts of worship from a stream different from you own might enhance worship in your community. Also, describe how you think this service might work in your church context .


Research your first two IS-related solutions that you listed in your document during Module .

In this module, you will add to the research paper document you started in Module 3.
Summary of Steps
1. Research your first two IS-related solutions that you listed in your document during Module .
2. Edit your research paper document based on the feedback you received in Module .
3. Using the same document, follow the instructions below to write the introduction to your paper, the first two IS-related solutions, and your references for those sections.
4. Submit your document for grading.

What distinguishes your stream from other streams? What makes your stream unique? What aspects of faith are encouraged in your approach and what aspects are limited?

Know Your Roots

Conclude your paper by reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of your current stream/perspective. What distinguishes your stream from other streams? What makes your stream unique? What aspects of faith are encouraged in your approach and what aspects are limited?

What aspects of other streams may be helpful to your current model of worship? How does understanding the background of your worship stream enhance your weekly corporate worship?

You must submit a word document that includes ALL the elements described above. Make sure all answers are answered to each question and also White’s and Pinson’s perspectives are also included.

Provide footnotes for this assignment, which will be key evidence of engagement with this paper’s course readings and learning materials.

Proper Turabian format must be observed.


Did God ever intent for humanity to never eat meat, and why? Did subdue and steward the earth include eating animals pre-fall/flood? What is the idea behind the sinful blood taste of humankind pre-flood?

Exegetical-Theological Dietary Commands of Pre-Flood & Post-Flood (Genesis 1:25-31; 9-3-7)

Further thoughts and direction: God restricting diets to plants in Genesis 1:29-31 but by Genesis 9:3-7 after the flood humankind are permitted to eat meat. Food plays a significant role in Genesis-1:29-30 because diet is a big deal and motif it speaks not just to the physical eating of food but also to what God is showing about God’s nature. Also, was Daniel’s 1:3-10 and his preference and superiority of a vegetable-based diet written in Baylon during exile part of Daniel’s anti-pagan polemic protest? We know its the king’s meat that he rejects but why even go for a plant -based diet? Did God ever intent for humanity to never eat meat, and why? Did subdue and steward the earth include eating animals pre-fall/flood? What is the idea behind the sinful blood taste of humankind pre-flood? the life of the being being in the blood, is that why blood eating if forbidden? what are the implications? What does this restriction tell me about God and humanity?

Provide a clear discussion of the issue, moral teachings regarding it, and application to Catholic pastoral settings, including the formation of conscience on the issue.

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)

Word term paper – Select a current moral issue to research. Provide a clear discussion of the issue, moral teachings regarding it, and application to Catholic pastoral settings, including the formation of conscience on the issue – as to why the Catholic Church should not support this practice. Aim to use at least 2-3 primary Catholic Church documents and 5-8 secondary sources.

The topic chosen is – Medical Assistance in Dying