Write a 1-2 page discussion of the areas and what topic of interest you could see yourself researching. What still needs to be known? How do these topics of interest relate to your everyday life?

After reading about areas of contemporary Psychological research , reflect on 1-2 areas of interest.

Write a 1-2 page discussion of the areas and what topic of interest you could see yourself researching. What still needs to be known? How do these topics of interest relate to your everyday life? Papers should be in APA format , with citations where appropriate.
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Was it ethical to do the prison study in the way that Zimbardo conducted it? Why or why not? Explain your position substantively.

W7: Social Psychology & Ethics

One of the most famous psychological experiments of all time, was conducted by Dr. Philip Zimbardo and his colleagues at Stanford University. To read more of the details of this experiment, visit http://www.prisonexp.org. Take some time to watch the video on the Zimbardo Prison Experiment by clicking here. After reading about the experiment, exploring the website and watching the video, answer the following:

1. Was it ethical to do the prison study in the way that Zimbardo conducted it? Why or why not? Explain your position substantively.

2. What social psychological constructs did the study reveal? Would the same information have been learned if the study had been conducted differently? If yes, how might you adapt the study to address ethical concerns and still obtain results relevant to our understanding of behavior in social settings?

3. How do the social psychology concepts of conformity and the power of the social situation that we are studying this week relate to what happened during the brief period of time that the prison study ran. Where in the description of how the study unfolded did we see evidence of these concepts?

Describe a criminological theory and delineate three ways in which its practical application has become evident through your practicum experience.

In this assignment, you are asked to critically analyze your practicum placement by examining one criminological theory and describing its application as you have observed in your practicum experiences. You are asked to answer one of these two questions in a 2000 paper: 1) Describe a criminological theory and delineate three ways in which its practical application has become evident through your practicum experience. Please use the Attachment Theory.

Examples to use… What happens when a parent is an addict or in and out of jail, or have mental health issues and how this impacts the family. For example the impact that it would have on their children and the family unit.
The term paper must be written according to guidelines set out by the American Psychological Association,

Identify, summarize, and evaluate two peer-reviewed journal articles pertaining to Gender Psychological Perspectives.

The reaction papers are due Sunday by 11:59 p.m. ET for the respective weeks. I must submit the paper to the course via Turnitin.com.

Identify, summarize, and evaluate two peer-reviewed journal articles pertaining to Gender Psychological Perspectives.

reaction paper is just what its name suggests; it is a paper explaining your reaction to a journal article whose topic is relevant to this course. It is both a review, because your reaction will involve judgment or evaluation, and an analysis, because you will focus on the research methodology and results. Keep in mind that you are writing a formal essay prepared for an academic audience. Like any good essay, your reaction paper should develop one primary idea or perception, support it with specific evidence , and present both ideas and evidence in clear language and a logical order.


What new information did you learn that will influence the way in which you conceptualize, plan and intervene?

Gender and Sex


In advancing the goal of becoming competent and reflective counselors, it is important to examine the areas that are often pathologized. In sexuality, sexual health, and in the understanding of terminology like natal sex, gender, gender expression, etc., it is common for there to be significant misinformation and stigma. As counselors, we are also tasked with fostering healthy relationships, which often involve some sort of sexual contact.

As you read through the materials for this week, consider what areas are new for you, including concepts around pleasure, sexual health, sex therapy, common sexual disorders and their prevalence, and other developmental life stages that can impact sex and sexuality .

What messages have you received around sex, sexuality, and gender that may raise challenges for you in working with students or clients?

What new information did you learn that will influence the way in which you conceptualize, plan and intervene?

Develop a scatter diagram and pay policy line using the labor market information for the vertical axis.

Compensation Group Project Undergraduate
As a group you are to design a wage structure from the job structure and the market rates of the jobs in your organization. You must:
a) Conduct a wage survey. Find the market rates for as many of the jobs in your organization as you can. Update the information from your survey to present or to the future date that you intend to install the system. Describe where you got you information and what you did with it.
b) Develop a wage level policy. This should include the overall policy and any variations by occupational areas and levels.
c) Develop a scatter diagram and pay policy line using the labor market information for the vertical axis.
d) Develop the pay grades. Describe how you went about establishing the pay grades and why.
e) Develop the rate ranges for the pay grades. Again, describe how you established the ranges and why.
f) Write a brief report summarizing this information. Tell me what you did and why. AND create a chart/table that shows the pay grade into which each job is allocated and the pay associated with that grade.
Grade 1 Bus Drive Grounds keeper 100-150 points $12.00 — $15.00 Grade 2 Office manager Computer Tech support 151-200 points $15.01 – $22.00 Etc…

Discuss the ethics, limitations, validity, additional research questions and possible practical applications and your conclusion section of your hypothetical study.

For this Milestone 4 assignment, you will create the Discussion section of your hypothetical study. This assignment is going to allow you to discuss the ethics, limitations, validity, additional research questions and possible practical applications and your conclusion section of your hypothetical study.

Discuss and give a breakdown of each of the three factors to justify the final diagnosis of Parasomnias and Insomnia Disorders for Allison.

Allison- Case Example

Review the Case of Allison.
She is diagnosed with Parasomnias and Insomnia Disorder.

Using the following factors:
individual, neurological, & environmental factors.

3. Discuss and give a breakdown of each of the three factors to justify the final diagnosis of Parasomnias and Insomnia Disorders for Allison.

4. Review the DSM 5 criteria for the diagnosis given. Do you agree with the diagnosis? Why or why not? Locate at least one scholarly article regarding the diagnosis. How does the information in the article align with or differ from the information in the DSM 5 and in your chosen case?

All the information you need is attached.