Write ~500 words, providing them with FIVE unique pieces of advice: After taking this course, what five pieces of advice would you give them?

Think about the people close to you. Is one of them currently experiencing a major life challenge ?

Describe the challenge they are experiencing.
Then write ~500 words, providing them with FIVE unique pieces of advice: After taking this course, what five pieces of advice would you give them? Each piece of advice must be related to a psychological concept you have learned about. Make it clear which concept you are referring to by bolding it in your homework. Make sure you clearly describe the concept. Why are these good pieces of advice for this person?

Are you as good a writer as you want to be? Write an essay analyzing the reasons you have become a good writer or explaining why you are not as good as you’d like to be.

Instructions by the professor are below :
Chapter 12, Writing Assignment #1. Are you as good a writer as you want to be? Write an essay analyzing the reasons you have become a good writer or explaining why you are not as good as you’d like to be. Begin by considering some factors that may have influenced your writing ability .
Submit and Attach your Rough Draft of your essay.

Submit the essay as First Name Initial, Last Name, Cause and/or Effect Rough Draft. Example: JGarcia Cause-Effect Rough Draft

Would you mind reviewing this project which contains 7 assignments, a Final Research Project, and a Grand Proposal, and tell me the fee you would be willing to complete this project?

Research Methods in Human Services/ Social Work

Would you be willing to work on a project that involves multiple assignments for the Research Methods class? Assignments are due weekly or every two weeks. They are cumulative and support the Final Research Project.
Would you mind reviewing this project which contains 7 assignments, a Final Research Project, and a Grand Proposal, and tell me the fee you would be willing to complete this project?


Summarize each article individually to include purpose of the research, brief description of the methodology of the research and the findings of the research.

Week 4: Middle Childhood Influences

As children move through middle childhood, parental influence is accompanied by a number of outside influences that can shape and impact development during this stage. These outside influences include peers, schools, television/video games and stress.

For this assignment, you will write an essay style paper detailing which outside influence you believe has a significant impact on middle childhood development outside of the home. Your paper should include the following aspects:

Introduction to your chosen influence and why you chose it.
Find two current research articles that support your belief or refute your belief regarding your chosen influence on development. Summarize each article individually to include purpose of the research, brief description of the methodology of the research and the findings of the research.
Write a concluding paragraph discussing how your opinion may or may not have changed on the topic based on your research. Also, include in your conclusion, two or three strategies for managing this influence.

How will this effect the current poverty guidelines? Support your answers with a citation.

Although it may be too early to have a definitive response in reference to how COVID-19 has created and/or added to the Poverty conversation, we can review past pandemics and the effects that the pandemics had on the economic infrastructure of America.
Each student is to research how past pandemics have effected the American economic infrastructure and provide details on how America recovered. Based on your research what possibly will America have to do to decrease the effects on America’s economic infrastructure post COVID?
How will this effect the current poverty guidelines?
Support your answers with a citation. Do not list any reference unless you used it in the post. Your posts should show evidence of analysis and critical thinking, and the ability to use scholarly sources, as opposed to presenting an opinion.

Describe your reasons for pursuing a career as a clinical psychologist. Specifically, indicate why you would like training at the doctoral level rather than at the master’s level.

Clinical Psychology Program Please answer the following two questions in two separate documents .

1. Many people choose Clinical Psychology as a career because they are interested in helping other people. Beyond wanting to help others,  describe your reasons for pursuing a career as a clinical psychologist. Specifically, indicate why you would like training at the doctoral level rather than at the master’s level.

2. In your role as a clinical psychology student, you are likely to work and study with people from many backgrounds. Tell us what will be some of the challenges for you studying with people different from yourself, and what you would contribute in your interactions with them.

Compare and contrast the theories of motivation you chose to explain your example.

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1: This week we learned about several different theories of motivation including, McClelland’s theory of motivation, drive reduction theory, arousal approaches, incentive approaches, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Describe a recent accomplishment in your life and explain it in terms of at least two theories of motivation discussed in the text. Compare and contrast the theories of motivation you chose to explain your example.
Option 2: In our reading this week, we learned about different theories of personality: psychodynamic, humanistic, biological and evolutionary, behavioral, and trait. Most of us have a favorite television show or movie we could watch on repeat. It is the personality of these characters that make the television shows and movies so enjoyable to watch.