Are there similarities between the two stories? Are they depicted similarly in media accounts? Are they treated similarly in the legal realm? What does a CRT lens have to show us?


Jacob Forman and Mohammed Shafia both murdered their families. The media coverage of the murders is the subject matter of this assignment, which has two parts. First, students will explain what Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) is. What are CRT’s most important insights and principles? What purposes does CRT serve? Clearly, there is no expectation that students will (or can) discuss every CRT principle in their assignments. Focus on those principles that are most relevant to the assignment at hand and make sure that you explain the principles that you raise. Do not simply list them.

Second, having provided a synopsis of CRT, students will assess the stories of the Forman and Shafia murders using a CRT lens. Are there similarities between the two stories? Are they depicted similarly in media accounts? Are they treated similarly in the legal realm? What does a CRT lens have to show us?

What are three unique characteristics (i.e., tactics, operations, or strategy) evident in the Mumbai attacks that make this a different kind of terrorist operation?Discuss

Understanding the characteristics of terrorism. Identify the 3 or 4 characteristics that you think most define terrorism? Use an example from the Mumbai attack to support your choices.
What are three unique characteristics (i.e., tactics, operations, or strategy) evident in the Mumbai attacks that make this a different kind of terrorist operation?
There are concerns surrounding the possibility of a Mumbai-style attack in the US. Considering the terrorist threat today, do you consider these concerns legitimate? Why or Why not
Using the five mission areas of the National Preparedness Goal (2015), assess India’s response to the Mumbai attacks?

What does the source tell us about the evolution of an ideology, and its interaction with other ideologies?

Literature Review (100%): a review of literature (1,500-2000 words = e.g. 500 words x 4 sources) related to one or more ideologies studied in the unit.
This assessment will require you to select sources and write a brief critical summary of each source. This should include at least two recommended sources (see Moodle).
You should try to address the following questions:
1) How does this source reflect key themes of particular ideologies? Does it have an overall argument?;
2) What does the source tell us about the evolution of an ideology, and its interaction with other ideologies?;
3) To what extent does the source provide a critical perspective? Does it simply adopt an ideological viewpoint?
See Unit Handbook / Moodle page for further resources.