What are the four behavioral warning signs of an autocratic politician? Go into detail. Why are populist outsiders often authoritarians? How can we prevent autocrats from gaining power in Canada? Explain.
Answer Both Qs
Times New Roman Size 10
Each Answer should be four pages long
Just write the Question number when you start the answer
Make sure to start the second Answer on a new page, so please make sure you use the four pages properly and fully for the first answer and then four for the second.
Cite Everything properly
Chicago Style Citation
Use Sources Provided but also use academic sources to ensure the best possible answers
Answer all parts of each question, do not skip anything.
Make sure to format everything properly
Grammar needs to be perfect
In chapter 1 of their book, Levitsky and Ziblatt discuss how to identify authoritarians. What are the four behavioral warning signs of an autocratic politician? Go into detail. Why are populist outsiders often authoritarians? How can we prevent autocrats from gaining power in Canada? Explain.
Chapter 4 of Levitsky and Ziblatt is about the subversion of democracy. How can democracy break down? Discuss in detail three ways in which would-be-dictators can establish a permanent advantage over opponents. Of these three, which do you believe is most damaging to democracy? Why?