Discuss the relevance of health policy in relation to the case study.


You are asked to write a report on an aspect of an clinical care scenario.

The report has to cover the following aspects

1. A brief summary of the clinical decisions made.

2. A discussion of the pathophysiology and pharmacology relevant to the episode of care3. The importance of person-centred care and involving patients in their decisions around the planning and implementation of their care.

4. Discuss the relevance of health policy in relation to the case study.5. Critical discussion and evidence to support or refute the decisions that were made

6. Evaluating the effect of the decision

How well do you know the activity level of patients assigned to other RNs? How comfortable do you feel assisting other nurses’ patients out of bed?

Pre-implementation Survey Responses
Survey Questions Pre-Implementation Raw Score
How well do you know the activity level of patients assigned to other RNs?
How comfortable do you feel assisting other nurses’ patients
out of bed?
How visible are ambulatory assistive devices when you enter a patient’s room?
How often are the white boards updated with patients’ assist level?
How often do you look at the white board before assisting other nurses’ patients out of bed?
Do you trust the information posted by other nurses regarding activity level?

What are the characteristics of the participants who were included in and excluded from the study ?

Are most of the references recent ?

What is the research design ?

What are the characteristics of the participants who were included in and excluded from the study ?

Do you think the methods used to select the participants for the study biased the results?

Did the researcher critically examine his/her own role, potential bias, and influence?
Did many participants refuse to participate, withdraw from the study, drop out or die?
Were there any co-existing influences that could have affected the participants’ behavior?
If YES, what were they?

What method(s)/tool(s) were used for data collection?

Develop a scholarly paper that adheres to the requirements outlined in the rubric.

The student will identify the phenomenon of interest to further explore for this paper using the POI
selected by the group. The POI can be refined and individualized for this paper by each member of the group by locating evidence to support the topic. Each student will develop a scholarly paper using the POI and craft a PICO/PICo question that will guide a literature  search.
• Investigating a phenomenon of interest.
• Critically examining individual elements related to a phenomenon of interest, such as creating a PICO/PICo question used in the evidence search process.
This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content
• Understand how the nursing meta-paradigm applies to the identified phenomenon of interest.
• Development of a PICO/PICo question.
• Perform an effective evidence search using keywords from the PICO/PICo.
• Understand how to use at least two databases .
• Conduct an evidence  search using the identified POI and review the literature to support ideas
and concepts.
• Develop a scholarly paper that adheres to the requirements outlined in the rubric.
• Locate a clinical practice guideline related to the PICO/PICo.

Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.

Organizational Analysis – The Organization

The major assignment for this course is analysis of your organization . In this assignment, you will report the organization’s mission, philosophy, and administrative structure. You will compare and contrast what you find with the characteristics of organizations you have learned about in the lectures and presentations and in your own investigative reading.
Complete this assignment to demonstrate your analysis of the big picture of your organization.


⦁ Explain how organizations function.

⦁ Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.

⦁ Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.

⦁ Evaluate effectiveness of communication patterns using specific management situations.

Describe why their articles meet the requirements for primary research and comment on their assessment of its potential to inform evidence-based practice. Did they miss anything?

Describe why their articles meet the requirements for primary research and comment on their assessment of its potential to inform evidence-based practice. Did they miss anything? If the chosen peer article is not a primary research article, clarify the difference in primary research and the selected article. PRIMARY research studies are those studies that are written by the actual people who conducted the study being shared, not a study that they read about and are commenting on

Do nurses who utilize the barcode scanning system compared to not using it reduce the rate of documented medication errors and adverse events?

Improving medication safety practice at a community hospital: a focus on bar code medication administration scanning and pain reassessment

Does this make sense to you ? what kind of a reference is ARCHIBALD ? intersections of the arts and nursing knowledge ?

Clinical decision making by RN

In many cases, the nursing field requires a high level of empathy and understanding of the feelings of patients to assure them that they will be well.- reference needed for this sentence
In the above case, the nurse and the doctor made an appropriate decision empathetically and personally by considering the patients feelings and conditions before making any decision. This is elaborated through how the nurse acknowledged and understood slowness in talking by the patient and difficulty swallowing saliva. The nurse understood that the patient had not taken anything for a while engaging the patient, bearing the circumstances. – references to back thos up please this is not descrptive it needs to be critally analysed and needs evidence and references to back up whatever you say
The ethical approach of judging a nursing decision made by a nurse is the other way of analysing a decision , made by a nurse.

Does this make sense to you ? what kind of a reference is ARCHIBALD ? intersections of the arts and nursing knowledge ?
Everything else is on the uploads it is very important to read every single uploads
on my uploads is the information and that all intended learning outcome which is in red writing needs to be covered in the work fully and appropriately

Demonstrate how you have supported teamwork/inter-professional practice in care delivery, referencing the particular experience in practice.

“You should critically evaluate a situation in practice where the importance of teamwork, Leadership and effective communication is central to delivering patient care and your role as a Nursing Associate in inter professional practice”.

Suggested Structure for Writing the Essay:
An Introduction
Demonstrate an underpinning knowledge of what teamwork, leadership is and its impact in enhancing inter-professional practice in the clinical setting.
Describe key concepts: Leadership, Teamwork, Communication and relate this to high quality care.
Conduct relevant and contemporary research to support your work, indicating what research approach you adopted and why?
Outline relevant healthcare guidelines and policies on teamwork, effective communication and leadership and how this impacts practice.
Demonstrate how you have supported teamwork/inter-professional practice in care delivery, referencing the particular experience in practice.
Recommendations/limitations/conclusions and how this would be applied to your future practice as a Nursing Associate.
Use Harvard system of referencing for your references.

What are the views from a learner and educator viewpoint? How may these views affect the wider organisation?

All work submitted is expected to be your own work. Plagiarism is a serious academic
offence and involves the unacknowledged copying of other people’s work as your own. If you are not clear on what plagiarism is, then please read the University of Sunderland plagiarism policy and discuss with the module leader at the earliest opportunity.

Explore current methods of feedback, challenge the academic evidence and reflect on your own experiences of providing feedback.
What are the views from a learner and educator viewpoint? How may these views affect the wider organisation?

What evidence do the articles use to show that hand hygiene is successful in reducing the spread of germs and disease complication?

Teaching handwashing compliance for patients and their families.

One recommendation for revision would be to add more detail about the how each article evaluates the role of handwashing in preventing infection. What

evidence do the articles use to show that hand hygiene is successful in reducing the spread of germs and disease complication?

, consider making the summary of each article more detailed in terms of how the research

demonstrates the effectiveness of hand hygiene. Also add more material to the conclusion to bolster that section. s. Add another several sentences to conclusion to complete the paragraph.