PowerPoint Presentation Slides and Commentary:
The presentation should be structured to ensure that the format outlined below is fully addressed:
1. A Title slide including your student ID with an introduction to provide an overview of the structure and contents of your presentation.
2. From a generalised perspective explain the purpose of the HNA process, including a general overview of the aims and objectives, advantages and challenges of completing a HNA in public health practice.
3. Provide explicit and specific justification and rationale for choice of your specific target
population. Use epidemiological, demographic, geographical and other relevant local statistical information to demonstrate how wider determinants of health affect your target population with evidence of analysis and evaluation of the information. Include critique and application of global, national and local public health strategies and policies.
4. Present an identified Health Need for this target population through critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of all areas of the priority criterion grid to demonstrate a strong rationale for this health need.
5. Provide a clear Aim to address the prioritised Health Need to be taken forward with identification of one clear proposed intervention to address this health need, improve the health of the target population and reduce inequalities.
6. Provide a Practical Action Plan which is small scale in nature.
7. Provide a risk assessment for the project that highlights any identified risks and the potential strategies the project team can use to overcome these, underpinned by relevant theory and embedding the concept of building community capacity.
8. Provide a summary of Funding and Resources required for your proposed intervention with critical exploration of how resource needs could be met, identifying potential funding organisations which could be approached, ensuring this is supported by clear rationales. Demonstrate recognition of any potential ethical implications of allocation of resources.