Apply strategies for communicating with community members and colleagues in the health care profession in an ethical, culturally sensitive, and inclusive way.

Length of submission: 3–5 double-spaced, typed pages. Your plan should be succinct yet substantive.
Cite a minimum of 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your evaluation, recommendations, and plans.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Apply evidence-based practice to design interventions to improve population health.
Evaluate environmental and epidemiological data regarding a community in order to diagnose widespread population health issues.
Develop an ethical health improvement plan to address a population health issue within a community that is based upon the best available evidence and meets the cultural and environmental needs of the community.
Evaluate outcomes of evidence-based interventions.
Propose criteria that will be used to evaluate achievement of outcomes for a population health improvement plan.
Evaluate the value and relative weight of available evidence upon which to make a clinical decision.
Justify the value and relevance of evidence used as the basis for a population health improvement plan.
Synthesize evidence-based practice and academic research to communicate effective solutions.
Apply strategies for communicating with community members and colleagues in the health care profession in an ethical, culturally sensitive, and inclusive way.
Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.

Prepare your Final Project into a PowerPoint presentation that would be appropriate for a leadership team at a place of business, a professional organization or at a conference.

Final Project PowerPoint Presentation (CPE)

This assignment is to prepare your Final Project into a PowerPoint presentation that would be appropriate for a leadership team at a place of business, a professional organization or at a conference. DO Not make it a carbon copy of your Final Project Presentation. This is for a different audience. The presentation should be no more than 15 slides.


Discuss professional aspects of nursing practice and draw to conclusions covering all learning outcomes of the module.

Developing Professional Practice in Adult Nursing

Read below case study and choose one of the following questions to discuss professional issues relevant to the scenario. You are expected to comprehensively discuss professional aspects of nursing practice and draw to conclusions covering all learning outcomes of the module.

Leila’s is a newly registered nurse who has been working for 6 month as a community nurse. In one particular busy day she was allocated 5 patients to visit within the radius of her working area. She was not sure about visiting Albert, an African –Caribbean patient who is disabled and has multiple diabetes leg ulcers.

Apply components of interpersonal communication to interprofessional collaboration.Discuss strategies to promote interprofessional collaboration.

The Joint Commission reported that [poor] communication was the root cause of 66% of Sentinel Events between 1995-2005. Examine the communication and collaboration in your workplace. Include these aspects:
• The components necessary for effective interpersonal communication.

• Discuss the importance of interprofessional collaboration.

• Apply components of interpersonal communication to interprofessional collaboration.

• Discuss strategies to promote interprofessional collaboration.

• Describe effective strategies to build interprofessional teams. • Cultural competence

Critically appraise applicable infection prevention and control protocols, taking account of contemporary issues and debates in this field.

Infection Prevention Control

Using a critical incident approach critically appraise applicable infection prevention and control protocols, taking account of contemporary issues and debates in this field.

Your essay should be structured in a formal academic manner with an Introduction, Main Body discussion and Conclusions, followed by a Reference List and Appendices. The Reference List and any Appendices are excluded from the word count.

Critically discuss with rationale how you would respond to this scenario demonstrating safe and effective practice in line with The Code .

Welcome to NURS 1450 Leadership and Management in Adult Nursing
You are about to qualify as an adult nurse which is a complex and diverse field of nursing. The scenarios in this workbook provide you with the opportunity to apply knowledge of professional issues to realistic scenarios that you may face in the workplace.
These scenarios relate to the following professional issues:
Care and compassion
Time Management and prioritisation
Risk management
You should complete two reports centred around a discussion of the professional issue in relation to the outlined scenario. Professional issue 1. Care and compassion is compulsory, you may choose 1 other and for each:
Write a concise report of 1250 words therefore, total word allowance is 2,500. You may use sub-headings to structure your report
Provide an overview of the professional issues raised in the scenario and outline the potential impact of these on patient outcome supported by relevant contemporary evidence.
Critically discuss with rationale how you would respond to this scenario demonstrating safe and effective practice in line with The Code .
You should discuss related professional issues such as leadership, accountability, confidentiality and the patient experience.
You should discuss practice implications in relation to relevant national or professional guidance and policy
You may provide one reference list for both reports.

Critically appraise applicable infection prevention and control protocols, taking account of contemporary issues and debates in this field.

Infection Prevention Control

Using a critical incident approach critically appraise applicable infection prevention and control protocols, taking account of contemporary issues and debates in this field.

Your essay should be structured in a formal academic manner with an Introduction, Main Body discussion and Conclusions, followed by a Reference List and Appendices. The Reference List and any Appendices are excluded from the word count.

Discuss your process of finding, retrieving, and analyzing best practice information to develop an approach to a care plan for the patient and their family in the given case narrative .

complete the questions focusing upon the case study:

1) Review the case scenario . Explore the scenario from both the nursing, health, and psychosocial perspectives.
2) Generate relevant and timely actions and recommendations to assist the patient in the situation to obtain the highest level of wellness possible.
3) Discuss your process of finding, retrieving, and analyzing best practice information to develop an approach to a care plan for the patient and their family in the given case narrative .
4) Include discussion of at least one College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Standard or Guideline , and how the Standard or Guideline is relevant to the case scenario.
5) Use the rubric as your template for the paper.

Submission Requirements:
1) Completed assignment in APA 7 format.
2) Page length will be 6 pages, double spaced


Identify and critically discuss the main themes that emerged from a case discussed in Adult Group Clinical Supervision and relate these to promoting and developing resilience in care provision.

Reflection, Leadership and Learning

A written reflection of a practice experience or case that was discussed in one of the clinical supervision groups.
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes that should be addressed by this assignment are :
Demonstrate a critical awareness of the professional and leadership relevance of group clinical supervision.
Identify and critically discuss the main themes that emerged from a case discussed in Adult Group Clinical Supervision and relate these to promoting and developing resilience in care provision.
Analyse aspects of their own learning and develop the ability to reflect and be reflexive through the process of group clinical supervision.

Reflection is an important and powerful strategy for you to use to develop your professional practice. It enables the linking of practice experience with theoretical aspects of learning to help you to develop, moving from novice to skilled practitioner.
Reflection should enhance self-awareness, identifying personal strengths and the areas to focus on for development. Theory helps to direct that new learning by providing relevant knowledge. Critically viewing both ourselves and new knowledge is very important.
Consider the knowledge that you have acquired, the skills you have developed and feelings you have about different situations that you have encountered and about your own development.