Describe their views on how their role affects patient safety and improves the quality of patient care. Describe the human factors faced in the role and other challenges.

Informatics in the Clinical Setting

Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical setting. Then, in a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, discuss each of the following criteria:

Role description and education level required for the role.
Describe their views on how their role affects patient safety and improves the quality of patient care.
Describe the human factors faced in the role and other challenges.
Express insights gained from the interview.
Research and discuss the impact of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Indicators and The Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals in your clinical setting. Describe how these governing agencies influence delivery of direct patient care.
Research, discuss, and identify the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform  utilized in your clinical setting. Be sure to get the perspective of your selected informatics professional during your interview.

Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state.

Legal and Ethical Issues Related to Psychiatric Emergencies

2–3 pages, address the following:

Explain your state laws for involuntary psychiatric holds for child and adult psychiatric emergencies. Include who can hold a patient and for how long, who can release the emergency hold, and who can pick up the patient after a hold is released.
Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state.
Explain the difference between capacity and competency in mental health contexts.
Select one of the following topics, and explain one legal issue and one ethical issue related to this topic that may apply within the context of treating psychiatric emergencies: patient autonomy, EMTALA, confidentiality, HIPAA privacy rule, HIPAA security rule, protected information, legal gun ownership, career obstacles , and payer source.
Identify one evidence-based suicide risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.
Identify one evidence-based violence risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.

Discuss how research is used to guide decisions based on formative & summative evaluations?

Nursing Curriculum Development for BSN Program

Assessments allow students the opportunity to demonstrate learning that is taking place
throughout their coursework. Student course evaluations also allow an opportunity for students to share their course perspectives which can provide valuable data for lead faculty. Evaluating course assessment data provides rich information regarding course strengths and areas for improvement. Consider your own experience with student evaluations and include the following information in the Student Course Evaluation Assignment.
Please answer the following questions:
1. Compare and Contrast formative and summative evaluations.
2. Discuss how research is used to guide decisions based on formative & summative
3. Evaluate methods to improve how student evaluations are used in curriculum planning
4. Propose one way to utilize student course evaluations to inform curricular elements.
This paper should be 5 pages, use at least 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources within the last five years. And follow current APA format.  avoid using first person in this paper. You may use the term “this educator” when referring to personal experience.

Develop the skills needed in order to be able to rationalise an evidence based approach within a practice setting.


Module Aims
⦁ Develop an understanding of the different types of evidence used to underpin healthcare practices.
⦁ Appreciated the nuance of applying the evidence base to the complexities of the real world.
⦁ Develop the skills needed in order to be able to rationalise an evidence based approach within a practice setting.
⦁ Identify how policy and socio-political drivers impact on interprofessional teamwork and effective integrated service delivery.

Demonstrate a critical response to existing theoretical discourses around the principles of partnership, collaboration and interagency working.

Co-ordinating Care for Complex Health Needs NRS 705

Co-ordinating the care of a patient with complex health needs

Provide a critical response to current policy imperatives which impact upon health and social care delivery.
Demonstrate a critical response to existing theoretical discourses around the principles of partnership, collaboration and interagency working.
Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of care coordination for complex needs.
Demonstrate a deep and systematic knowledge of legislation pertinent to care co-ordination.

Are the conclusions statistically significant or clinically significant given the findings?Is the study valid and reliable?

Overview: When caring for patients it is essential that as a nurse you are using evidence-based practice. In order to identify what is best practice, you must be able to read research critically. Terminology systematicused in research can be difficult to interpret and understand; therefore securing a solid foundation is essential to the success of identifying and implementing current best practice.


1. Critique
A. Purpose and Research Question: What is the research question? Does the author justify the importance of the research?
B. Design and Methods: What design and methods were used? Are they rigorous and systematic?
C. Validity and Reliability: Is the study valid and reliable?
D. Are the conclusions statistically significant or clinically significant given the findings?

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the research article? Did the author succeed or fail in the purpose of the study? Recommend areas for improvement or suggest direction for future research.

Can you further explain this – how does the model do this?

Carol, interesting post. You mention that “the Iowa model allows patients from low-income families to access critical medical services despite rising costs”. Can you further explain this – how does the model do this? Also, how will the two models in the PICOT statement help the patient? It seems the intervention would be referral to a counselor or provider compared to doing nothing. Thoughts?

Critically evaluate an identified need for a service specific innovation. Appraise a range of innovation strategies and models to be used as a framework for decision making.

Extended project coinciding with a pitch and litature review

Staged assessment 8000 words equivalent.
It is permissible to exceed the stated word limit by up to 10%, without penalty. Assignments which exceed these limits are liable to be penalised by the deduction of 5 marks per 1000 words excess .

Specific Guidelines:

Complete a justification and mini literature review relating to an issue that requires improvement.

Devise an artefact/tool that will improve the identified problem, produce a power point and use the power point to pitch the artefact/tool to peers, service users and lecturers in small groups.

Critically discuss the leadership and change theories that would be used to support the innovation process. Your work should draw upon key policy drivers, leadership styles, change theory and models, current supporting research studies and should use the required APA referencing format.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students will be able to:

Critically evaluate an identified need for a service specific innovation.
Appraise a range of innovation strategies and models to be used as a framework for decision making.
Develop an evidence-based business case for a proposed service improvement.
Develop an artefact for a proposed service improvement and pitch this in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the innovation.
Justify and critique the decision-making strategies used to develop the service improvement.

Who would be the ideal candidate(s) from whom to elicit information during the requirements gathering and analysis phase of the database project? Explain why.

Who would be the ideal candidate(s) from whom to elicit information during the requirements gathering and analysis phase of the database project? Explain why.
Typically, a patient staying in a hospital receives medications that have been ordered by a particular doctor. Because the patient often receives several medications per day, there is a 1:M relationship between patient and order. Similarly, each order can include several medications, creating a 1:M relationship between order and medication.

Identify different entities from this scenario.
Create an entity-relationship diagram illustrating 1:1 and 1: many relationships.
Compare your ERD with another classmate’s and discuss the differences each of you had.

What is the current approach to treating the condition with respect to effectiveness and side effects?

Background and Significance
1. Select a condition to treat
2. In one to two paragraphs with references, describe the significance of the condition by
answering the following questions.
a. What is the prevalence the condition?
i. The definition of prevalence is the proportion of cases in the population at
a given time, i.e. how widespread is the condition?
b. From a biopsychosocial perspective, how does the condition
i. increase pain, limit physical function and/or generate bothersome
ii. alter mental behaviors , and
iii. negatively impact social interactions ?
c. What is the current approach to treating the condition with respect to effectiveness
and side effects?
d. What are the economic costs of treating this condition to include healthcare costs
and societal costs ? e.g. workers’ compensation costs, lost days
of work, disability costs, etc.
3. In three to five paragraphs with references, compare and contrast at least 5 Research
Articles on the condition using the PICOS framework.
a. P- Participants
b. I – Intervention
c. C – Control / Comparison
d. O – Outcome Measures
e. S – Study Design
4. In one paragraph, provide a justification based upon your summary of the five
articles that explains your patient / participant selection, intervention, control, and
outcome assessment.
5. State the purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe the effects of the intervention
on subjects with the condition as compared to controls and indicated by changes in the
outcome measure