How does your nursing experience influence the advocacy position that you take on the AHCA?

First Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist/Advocate for Health Care Policy

In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, you will imagine you are going to make a visit to your representative in Congress. There are two parts to this assignment.

Address the following topics:

Develop a one-page document that supports your position on the AHCA that you would leave with your representative or his or her aide when you make your visit.

This one-pager, also called a “leave behind,” should state your position clearly in bullet points and give your reasons why your position is preferred.
This “leave behind” should have 1 inch margins and utilize 14-point font throughout.

If you were making this visit in person, you would present your “leave behind” to the person with whom you speak during your visit.

Include a second page that describes your rationale for the position in your “leave behind” page supported by at least two journal articles.

Write a two-page brief to describe the scenario surrounding your legislative visit. Understanding the political affiliation of your representative, include answers to the following:
Was your member in support or in opposition to the AHCA?
State three points that you would cover in support or opposition to your representative’s position.
How does your nursing experience influence the advocacy position that you take on the AHCA?
You may find it necessary to search for answers to the questions outside of the assigned reading.

Critically evaluate their own professional practice in relation to the management of acutely ill patients.

Managing the acutely ill patient

Learning outcomes

1. Critically appraise assessment, planning, monitoring and subsequent treatment of patients presenting with acute illness.

2. Critically evaluate their own professional practice in relation to the management of acutely ill patients.

Using a case study approach, students will discuss and reflect on the care management of an acutely ill patient, taking account of best available evidence (2500 words).

Coursework 1

Acutely Ill Patient Care Case

• No individuals (including patients and staff) should be contacted.

• No medical, health or any other records should be used.

• Confidentiality needs to be maintained including the explicit use of pseudonyms and, as appropriate, removal or modification of personal identifiers.

Episode of Care

• Only one episode of care should be discussed – the episode of care that is discussed needs to be identified at the start.


• The focus should be the patient.

Patient Case

Can be a:

• Patient recently or previously encountered by you or colleagues.

• Patient in your current or previous health settings.

• Patient you have professionally and anonymously discussed with other professionals.

• Patient encountered during student placement (during your nursing training).

• Made-up case study, accommodating issues you would like to explore, within the confinements of the Learning Outcomes.

Cannot be a case from:

• Journals.

• The internet.

• Books.

• Published sources.

• Similar sources to the above.


Brief, key background information, relevant literature including explaining what the case of acute illness is and what the work will explore.

Patient information

Demographic of the patient, the patient’s main compliant/s, relevant medical, and psychosocial history, management of the patient and reflection.


Discussion of the relevant literature, arguments with rationale, inferences explained, lessons learnt or what we can take from the discussions, considerations for practice and/or research going forward, strengths and/or limitations.


Your manuscript needs to;

• Include page numbers (pages should be numbered at the top right).

• Be double-spaced

• Have a 1-inch (2.54 cm) margin, Times New Roman or Arial, 12 font.

• Maintain the confidentiality of service users/patients/clients and persons associated with them, service colleagues and organisations.

• Include a reference list (Harvard referencing), headed with ‘References’ centred, do not make it bold. Please refer to Cite Them Right.

• Use ‘the author’ to describe yourself (however you can use ‘I’ or ‘my’ etc. in self-reflection e.g., this phenomenon was often present in my practice).


How will you use the information in your professional practice?Has this course changed your views of leadership?What are some ways that you could support your leadership as you move forward professionally?

Reflection paper

Assignment – Reflection of this course paper- This paper allows you to reflect back on the past 7.5 weeks and write about how this class helped you to grow professionally and how you will apply some of the concepts you have learned about into your professional practice. No more than 2 pages in length.

How did this course help you professionally? (write about learning different types of leaderships)
What was your favorite assignment in the course? (servant leadership)
How will you use the information in your professional practice?Has this course changed your views of leadership?What are some ways that you could support your leadership as you move forward professionally?
Discuss anything that you would change, add to or delete from this course

What is your personal vision for your leadership goals?What actions will you take to achieve your goals?

Discussion of self improvement

How do you define “excellence” in leadership? Do a mirror test and reply on your findings of answering the question: are you doing your best? how could you improve your performance?

How will you continue to enhance your leadership skills?

what is your personal vision for your leadership goals?what actions will you take to achieve your goals? this is an example of your preferred future.

If you had a magic wand and could make the nursing profession how you want it to be, what would it look like?

Critically appraise decision making in response to a complex clinical situation.

In the assignment you must fully address each of the learning outcomes.

This assessment tests your understanding of and ability to critically explore at level 7 the concepts in the following module Learning Outcomes:

LO2 Critically reflect upon the delivery of safe, confident, competent, and compassionate quality care whilst recognising the uniqueness of the individual.

LO3 Critically appraise decision making in response to a complex clinical situation.

LO4 Select and defend the leadership and management strategies that contributed to safe and effective adult nursing care.

Critically explore how human factors can influence and impact upon behaviour within teams and the way in which this can affect health and safety.

Root cause analysis

LO1: Apply the principles of risk management in maintaining a safe care environment

LO2: Critically reflect on near misses, critical incidents, major incidents and serious adverse events

LO3: Critically explore how human factors can influence and impact upon behaviour within teams and the way in which this can affect health and safety

LO4: Appraise and advocate methods used to instigate positive change to promote safety and quality of care

What is Nursing?What is the purpose of nursing?

What is Nursing?

Ask five nurses the following question. Ask the question without explanation or expansion. Tell them you are doing a class project and need the following question answered. There are no right or wrong answers. “What is the purpose of nursing?” Ask five lay persons the exact same question in the exact same manner. Summarize your findings and report to the class.

Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the leadership and management skills required to engage and reflect on the ever-changing delivery of health and social care.

This is a 3000-words essay based assignment. The assignment requires you to:

To give your assignment a title and to weave elements of the case study into the essay (remember that it’s not a reflective essay).

LO 1 Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the leadership and management skills required to engage and reflect on the ever-changing delivery of health and social care.

LO 2 Critically discuss the benefits and challenges of inter-professional collaborative practice.

LO 3 Critically evaluate the role of self in relational leadership and problem solving when engaging with multiprofessional teams, service users, carers, families, and significant others.

LO 4 Critically appraise the contribution of different approaches that inform inter-professional and multi-agency working.

Follow the assignment brief.

The essay have attached below,took its case study from that essay. Follow the way the essay is written and right mine. Also give more examples. Will attach my case study, its about a 76 year old woman. (418 words).