Briefly summarize the nonlinear series of events that have resulted in the creation of the human brain.


Term Paper Assignment 1 (Anth. 161) Fall 2021:

The auxiliary text that you have been assigned to read this semester is A History of the Human Brain by Brett Stetka. It is an engrossing book that lays out the evolutionary sequence of events that have led to our current place in the natural world. We are the most powerful organism on Earth, and we hold the fate of the planet in our hands, chiefly because of the large, magnificent organ you are using to read and process these very words.

Answer the following questions in your paper, and support your answers with appropriate evidence:

Stetka observes that the evolutionary pathway that has led to our present brain is a “tortured mess.” Briefly summarize the nonlinear series of events that have resulted in the creation of the human brain. In terms of cognitive development, what are the major steps leading from sponges to primates that have gotten us to where we’re at?

It is often remarked that humans are too smart for their own good. How have our supreme cognitive powers gotten us into major trouble? How will our brain get us out of our present predicament? What does the future hold for changes in how our brain functions? Do you support tinkering with the brain via techniques like CRISPR? Why or why not?

How can being a more scientifically informed member of society benefit you and your community?


It is important to think about your obligation as a citizen in today’s society. You need to understand the science behind issues that impact you and other people on this earth every day. Answer the following questions:

How can being a more scientifically informed member of society benefit you and your community?

Include the title of the TED Talk that you chose to watch (from the options provided in the module Reading and Resources area, see below titles) as well as one point made by the speaker to support your response.

Why do you think there is value in understanding and studying the natural sciences when considering not only the impact of science on the global community, but to each of us individually?

TED Talk options:

Discuss visual function vs. functional vision as related to this technology,and discuss how to maximize visual efficiency for everyday life when one of the patient’s eyes has an IMT and the other eye does not. 

This assignment is a discussion board entry. doesn’t have to be long, please use simple wording and proper grammar. Cite if necessary. Provided you with the question to answer and the lecture notes available:
The question:

Explore the pros and cons of the IMT.

Discuss visual function vs. functional vision as related to this technology,and discuss how to maximize visual efficiency for everyday life when one of the patient’s eyes has an IMT and the other eye does not.

Explain patterns,relationships and trends in the results and any relevant unexpected observations.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA TPCSCN005 Analyse Biological Processes: Assessment Event

Explain patterns,relationships and trends in the results and any relevant unexpected observations.

Refer to relevant biological theory
Include in-text reference(s)

Identify sources of error in the investigation and discuss how each error may have affect the experimental results and interpretation.