Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other concepts in the text?

Peer Responses 125 Words Each
Click Reply when in a post to nest your responses under that main post.
Teach the topic to students. Responses must add new information not previously discussed. Consider new factual information tied with critical thinking. Share interesting and current research on the topic.
Use APA citations in the post to clarify sources.
Do not simply summarize another student’s post and agree/disagree.
Pose new possibilities or opinions not previously voiced.
Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other concepts in the text?

Describe how genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics were used to show that the sulphur metabolic process plays an important role in the predatory behaviour of S.

BIOL2499/BIOL2512 Systems Biology – Journal Club Part C
Meyer et al. 2021. Nature volume 590, pages 284–28
Explain why Meyer et al used a combination of Illumina short read DNA and RNA
next generation sequencing  and Oxford Nanopore long read DNA NGS to assemble
and annotate the genome of the Australian lungfish.
Miller et al. 2021 Genet. 108(8):1436-1449.
Discuss how and why Miller et al used long-read NGS technology to overcome the
limitations of short-read NGS technology in human clinical testing
3 samples of RNA were extracted from groups of pooled organisms at each stage and RNA-sequencing was performed using Illumina NGS.
Explain why 3 RNA extractions were used from each stage.
Junker et al. 2019. PLoS Pathog 15(5):e1007692.
Describe how genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics were used to show that the sulphur metabolic process plays an important role in the predatory behaviour
of S.

Critically consider the effect of cultural practices on wildlife diversity and abundance.

Critically consider the effect of cultural practices on wildlife diversity and abundance.

There will be different ways of answering each question influenced by your understanding, your interests, even your own philosophy, but whatever approach you take make sure that your arguments and statements are fully supported by published material.

Must contain headed sections and sub-sections to make the lines of reasoning clear and the reading interesting and easy.

Critically appraise 2 stages from drug discovery and 2 form drug development with reference to drugs discovered and developed for nervous system disorders preferably Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.

Critical analysis of the stages of drug discovery and drug development disorders of the nervous system.

Drug discovery stages: 1)Target identification and validation 2) Hit discovery 3) lead identification

Drug development stages: 1) Lead optimization (in vivo) 2) Human clinical trials 3) regulatory body approval.

Critically appraise 2 stages from drug discovery and 2 form drug development with reference to drugs discovered and developed for nervous system disorders preferably Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s. different drugs should be analysed throughout, appraising the success rate. ethics. cost-effectiveness, what worked and what didn’t in terms of chosen drug. preferably up-to-date references

Explain abbreviations when first used, e.g. World Health Organisation.Provide appropriate units of measurement in the text.

Practical report on adequacy and validity of reported dietary intake

This should provide the reader with a clear description of what the report entails.

Introduction and brief review of literature: This section should describe the wider context of the research area e.g. measurement of dietary intake and adequacy of diet; the rationale for looking at dietary intake, the problems associated with the validity of reported dietary intake data and briefly introduce how validity can be estimated.

This is the section where you discuss your findings in the context of existing literature, this is also where you can really demonstrate your critical understanding of the research area.

You should begin by stating your main finding , put into context of other research and then try to explain and reasons for differences in what you have found compared to other researchers. Also why this is an important finding, what does it mean for the research area. You then do this for all other findings.

Consider the strengths and limitations of your study.

What recommendations can you make for other researchers for practise and further research.

End with a conclusion.

Points to consider:

• Flawless APA format for in text citations and references

• Provide appropriate units of measurement in the text

• In text citations should match the References at the end

• Spell out numbers when used at the beginning of a sentence

• Explain abbreviations when first used, e.g. World Health Organisation.

• No punctuation required before citations

• Indicate page numbers

• Proof-read before submission

• Follow presentation guidance

What if that grid failed? How dependent are we on electricity? What is the cost of electricity, to both you as the consumer and to society at large?

“PhET Interactive Simulations.” PhET,
Part 2: Calculating Electricity Costs
Electricity has revolutionized our society in the last two centuries yet it also binds us into a regional community that depends on one electrical grid. What if that grid failed? How dependent are we on electricity? What is the cost of electricity, to both you as the consumer and to society at large?
First of all, sometimes appliances don’t report the watts. Recall that amps x volts = watts. If you have any two of the three quantities, you can complete this math equation. If the appliance you first choose does not report two of the three, choose a different appliance.

How do you see a biblical worldview informing this organization’s efforts?

Organizational Help for Poverty of The Native American Communities

Global Social Responsibility Paper:
ONE specific organization that is meeting an underdevelopment need such as the poverty with the Native American Indians
Critique the organization’s efforts by describing the theory of underdevelopment that seems to drive the organization’s philosophy, as well as the theory of development that drives the organization’s strategy.
How do you see a biblical worldview informing this organization’s efforts?
o Requirements:750 words for part 2 academic sources