Construct an annotated bibliography of potential sources for your argument essay. You should have an introduction explaining what you plan to do with the material, at least a paragraph in length and no longer than one page double-spaced .

Technology can have negative effects on young children

Construct an annotated bibliography of potential sources for your argument essay. You should have an introduction explaining what you plan to do with the material, at least a paragraph in length and no longer than one page double-spaced . There should be at least eight potential sources, all of them related to your topic.
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations for research sources. Each citation is followed by an annotation, a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph about the source. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

Some things your annotation should include:
1. Evaluation of the source for relevance to your topic,
2. Evaluation of the source for possible bias,
3. If possible, an evaluation the authority, background, and education of the author(s),
4. Commentary on the intended audience. For whom was it written ? What skill level or education level must the reader have?
5. Comparison or contrast between this work and another you have cited.

Construct an annotated bibliography of potential sources for your argument essay. You should have an introduction explaining what you plan to do with the material, at least a paragraph in length and no longer than one page double-spaced.

Technology can have negative effects on young children

Construct an annotated bibliography of potential sources for your argument essay. You should have an introduction explaining what you plan to do with the material, at least a paragraph in length and no longer than one page double-spaced.

There should be at least eight potential sources, all of them related to your topic.
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations for research sources.

Each citation is followed by an annotation, a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph about the source. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

How have you assessed readiness to learn and what were your findings? What are the educational, cultural, or other unique characteristics of this group that impact the class?

College of Nursing
Health Promotion in the Community
Clinical Teaching Plan

Title of Presentation:
Who is the audience for the presentation?
Why is a class on this topic needed?
What prior knowledge and/or experience do you anticipate that the expected audience members have on this topic?
How have you assessed readiness to learn and what were your findings?
What are the educational, cultural, or other unique characteristics of this group that impact the class?
How will you modify the environment to promote learning?
After the presentation evaluate the process and content. Include analysis narrative paragraph of the audience’s reaction to your teaching. What did/did not work? What would you do differently next time?
The template below is to be used to outline your plan for the class. Learning objectives must be for the learners not the instructor!! For example, “Participants will demonstrate the steps of handwashing” NOT “Teach handwashing skills”

Discuss the etiologic factor(s) that contributed to the development of your patient’s primary disease process.

For this assignment, you will work on one patient which will serve as the basis for the Care Plan. You will have to gather data from primary and secondary sources to respond to each category described below: Background Etiology, Morbidity/Mortality, Pathophysiology, Medications, Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Clinical Course/Manifestation; utilize reflection and research to respond to the Synthesis section. The associated grading rubric will serve as a guide for the completion and evaluation of the learning activity. There is a strict page limit for this paper. It is expected to be between 5-7 pages of text. This limit does not apply to the title page, the reference page or the expected five appendices.
Background and Etiology of Disease
Etiologic factors are those influences that increase the risk for, or causes a disease to occur – they set the disease into motion. Understanding etiology allows for the development of individualized plans of care and serves to identify way to prevent future occurrence of disease. Diseases may have one etiologic agent or may be multifactorial
For the Assignment:
Describe your patient’s background and history
Discuss the etiologic factor(s) that contributed to the development of your patient’s primary disease process.
Describe the interactive effect of various etiologic agents
Laboratory and/or diagnostic data, in addition to history and HPI may serve to identify an etiologic agent

Does the essay discuss, in detail, COVID’s influence on the writer’s world today?Are the sentences structured appropriately?

Respond to your partner’s 1st draft by addressing the following points in detail. DO NOT SIMPLY ANSWER “YES” or “NO.” Give examples to support your responses.

1. Does the essay have a creative and original title?

2. Does the first line grab your attention?

3. Is the main idea evident in the first paragraph?

4. Are there transitions between paragraphs?

5. Does the essay give you a central purpose and perspective?

6. Are the discussions fully detailed?

7. Is the importance of the topic evident?

8. Does the essay discuss, in detail, COVID’s influence on the writer’s world today?

9. Is there a complete conclusion?

10. Are there any redundancies?

11. Are there misspellings?

12. Is the grammar mostly correct?

13. Are the sentences structured appropriately?

14. Does the essay feel almost complete?

15. Is the essay almost 2000 words?

Describe the primary condition-specific outcome measure.Describe the Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Participants.

Sciatica in Pregnancy
1. Participants
a. Describe the Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Participants
b. Participants: number receiving the treatment and number of controls
c. Describe the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
i. i.e. Describe the presentation of the Diagnostic Criteria that qualifies the
patient/participant to be treated with chiropractic treatment intervention to
be described
d. Describe the Screening Procedures associated with the Inclusion and Exclusion
i. I.e. What screening procedures were performed to include and exclude the
patient from the AOM treatment intervention?
2. Treatment Interventions
a. Describe the intervention
i. Duration and Frequency of treatments
ii. Chiropractic modalities
iii. Self-Care Advice
iv. Exercise
3. Control Condition
a. Describe the control / comparison condition(s).
4. Outcome Assessment
a. What is the primary condition-specific outcome measure?
i. Describe the primary condition-specific outcome measure.
b. What is a general/global primary outcome measure?
i. Describe a visual analog scale, numeric rating scale or global rating of
change (symptom) scale to assess improvement.
c. Include when the outcomes are assessed?
i. Describe the expected improvement in percentages at each assessment
time point for each primary outcome measure.
d. Include Meaningful Clinically Important Differences for the condition-specific
and general/global outcome measures.
5. Include a Study Flow Ch

Explain how you plan to apply strategies for communicating with community members and colleagues in the health care profession in an ethical, culturally sensitive, and inclusive way about the development and implementation of your health improvement plan.

Create a 3-5 page paper identifying the health concern that you think is most appropriate to address for the community in your practice environment. Your choice should be based on the evaluation of the relevant data that you have gathered for your chosen issue.
The bullet points below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your population health improvement plan addresses all of the bullets below, at minimum.

Evaluate the environmental and epidemiological data about your community so that you can illustrate and diagnose widespread population health issues.
Develop an ethical health improvement plan that addresses the population health issue you have identified in your evaluation. The plan should be based upon the best available evidence and meet the cultural and environmental needs of your community.
Justify the value and relevance of the evidence you used as the basis for your population health improvement plan.
Propose criteria that can be used to evaluate the achievement of your health improvement plan’s outcomes.
Explain how you plan to apply strategies for communicating with community members and colleagues in the health care profession in an ethical, culturally sensitive, and inclusive way about the development and implementation of your health improvement plan.
Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.
Example assessment: You may use the Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan Example [PPTX] to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

What do you think are the pros and cons of this article? What did you agree on and what did you not agree about the article? How would you have done this research differently?

Read the article posted below:

Fruehwirth, J.C., Gorman, B. I., & Perreira, K. M.). The Effect of Social and Stress-Related Factors on Alcohol Use
Among College Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69557-565.
The Effect of Social and Stress-Related Factors on Alcohol Use Among College Students During COVID-19 Pandemic-2021.pdf Download The Effect of Social and Stress-Related Factors on Alcohol Use Among College Students During COVID-19 Pandemic-2021.pdf
Expected length: minimum 2 full-page.
Total points possible: 20 points

The assignment should include the following:

1. Summary of the article

Recommendations for future research
2. Critique

What do you think are the pros and cons of this article?
What did you agree on and what did you not agree about the article?
How would you have done this research differently?
3. Personal reflection

How has this article changed your views on this topic?
Format spelling/grammar/font etc.

Content, clarity, sentence structure, etc. of your work in writing this assignment.

Evaluate the underlying concepts and principles of risk assessment and scene management at the sight of a high risk environment such as a bus crash.

Critically evaluate the use of METHANE communication tool by the emergency services and its effects on communication and collaborative working and their roles at the scene of a major incident.

Evaluate the underlying concepts and principles of risk assessment and scene management at the sight of a high risk environment such as a bus crash.