Evaluate the weaknesses and threats for any common themes that might be a risk.

Strategic Management Research Journal Part 2

Create a Word doc and title it Strategic Management Research Journal Part 2.

Write a 350- to 525 Microsoft word response to the following prompts in your journal entry. Remember about the term “journal” still needs to be research writing. APA formatting is required, inclusive of the title page, level headings, 3rd person, and a thesis sentence. Please do not focus on the word journal. Rather, complete each assignment using research writing format. :

Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of Caterpillar, Inc. Each SWOT quadrant must contain 7-10 items, (this is not included in the 525-word count).

Consider viewing the YouTube.com video: SWOT Analysis – What is a SWOT analysis?

Evaluate the weaknesses and threats for any common themes that might be a risk.

Compare Caterpillar’s weaknesses against its opportunities.

Propose problem-solving strategies to address Caterpillar’s weaknesses or threats that could be mitigated by a business opportunity or business decision.

Use at least two scholarly sources. Be sure to use Rothaermel, F. T. (2019). Strategic management: Concepts (4th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill as one of the two scholarly sources.

Identify and demonstrate the skills of a higher education student.

Reflective Report

Completion of this work will satisfy the following learning outcomes from module BMS406:

Identify and demonstrate the skills of a higher education student.

Your report should outline your research, judgements and conclusions drawn 1000 words. All written work should be submitted online, through Turnitin. You must include both a reference list and bibliography.

Elaborate on the three effective interventions Build trust and familiarity among team members,Team Reflexivity,and Leadership.

Case Study

PepsiCo Frito-Lay has one of the largest sponsorships and partnerships with the National Football League. Part of the partnership is partnering with the NFL when they have the Super Bowl once a year. The hosting cities were Atlanta, Miami, and Tampa. Monica, who works for PepsiCo Frito-Lay as a Regional Manager in the Southeast, has been with them for over 20 years. Monica is now working on her final Super Bowl responsibility with PepsiCo which is in the Tampa Bay market.

Monica oversees executing the Pepsi brands at Super Bowl stadium, NFL Live experience, Planet Pepsi concert experience, and several hosting hotels in the area. In previous Super Bowl cities Monica has had the luxury to handpick the four employees she has wanted on her team. Monica was fortunate to be able to pick employees who have had a wealth of execution knowledge because of their years of service with PepsiCo. However, this time Monica is being told which employees will be on her team. Monica is also being told that they are increasing her team from four employees to six employees.

When Monica gets her list of employees who will be on the team, she realizes that she has been assigned to a group that has various degrees of knowledge of the PepsiCo execution policies. Some of the employees who have been assigned to her team have less than a year of service with Pepsi. Monica is concerned that the team members with lower years of service will have a difficult time executing the NFL events in the Tampa Bay area.

Monica lives in the Miami area so her interaction with her team will be mostly virtual and through phone. Monica will travel to the Tampa Bay market several times over the course of the planning process leading up to the Super Bowl, but the majority of the meetings will not happen live. Monica plans to hold conference calls once a week with the team. Although she holds all the knowledge on how to execute Pepsi plans, she has no reservations for sharing this knowledge with her team because of her prior experiences with the two previous Super Bowls which were held in Atlanta and Miami.

Answer the 3 questions

1. Based on the distribution of Participation as a Function of a Group Size i.e., Exhibit 6-1, what problems do you foresee with the team increasing in size and varying in levels of experience?

2. Elaborate on the three effective interventions Build trust and familiarity among team members,Team Reflexivity,and Leadership. Defeat the common information effect that might take place with this team.

3. Recommend solutions based on the team environment, newcomers, and outsiders?

In what ways does the Scripps lifecycle approach lead to a more diverse workforce?Is it the right strategy?

Human resource management

Lifecycle approach creates a diverse workforce able to address the healthcare indu us,we need a workforce with all-encompassing view and innovative approach, Buzachero says.


1. What is the key issue that Scripps is dealing with? Give examples (real life or hypothetical) to illustrate how other organizations may have failed in a similar scenario? (150-300 words)

2. In what ways does the Scripps lifecycle approach lead to a more diverse workforce?Is it the right strategy? (150-300 words)

3. Why are managers increasingly being encouraged to act as coaches? Do you see any problems with a manager acting as both a coach and a supervisor? (150-300 words)

Explain how power,authority,and influence differ and explain how power and politics affect decision making outcomes.

No Title Needed

Three full double-spaced pages in the body, covering the assigned writing topic. All APA to include introduction title, body with level headings and a defined conclusion.

Explain how power,authority,and influence differ and explain how power and politics affect decision making outcomes.

Use the below references and also any additional ones you feel needed to answer the above question.

Book One: Understanding and Managing Public Organizations 5th Edition Author: Rainey Hal G. (2014) // Chapters 6 and 7

Book Two: Why Law Enforcement Organizations Fail 2nd Edition Author: O’Hara, Patrick. (2012) // Chapter 4

Do you believe there is a potential for oversight failures in other public organizations?

In addition to the oversight failures discussed in Chapter 4 of O’Hara’s book do you believe there is a potential for oversight failures in other public organizations, e.g., fire and emergency medical services, social service agencies, environmental protection agencies, or other agencies that you might be familiar with? What are those potential areas and how should they be addressed?


Why Law Enforcement Organizations Fail 2nd Edition Author: O’Hara, Patrick. (2012) // Chapter 4