What impact will the pandemic have of efforts to unionize some workplaces?Do you believe that unions provide safer working conditions?

This week, we will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on unions.

1. How have unions changed in the past 50 years? In your information opinion, why has that change occurred?

2. In your informed opinion, what impact will the pandemic have of efforts to unionize some workplaces?Do you believe that unions provide safer working conditions?

Integrate the weekly lessons, readings, and resources into your answer. Full citations are not required, but informal attribution is necessary. For example, “as noted in the e-text” would suffice for content attributed to the e-text sections assigned.

Define the listed concepts below and then provide a personal example of how this specific concept would be used.

Strategic Management Concepts

For this assignment, you will have the opportunity to review basic strategic management concepts using the free textbook, Absolute Essentials of Strategic Management (ProQuest), (Links to an external site.) which is available through the Hunt Library. You will need to be logged into ERNIE to access this material.

please contact support for log ins

You will click on the MGMT 436 Module 1 then 1.3 assigment.

Define the listed concepts below and then provide a personal example of how this specific concept would be used.

Do not copy the definitions word-for-word. The information in the textbook should be paraphrased in your own words and cited and referenced as a paraphrased information (in APA format) and not as direct quotes.

Your response for each of the concepts below should be written in one (1) paragraph-long response.

Make sure each concept answer is identified so your instructor knows which specific concept you are addressing.

1. Define Strategic Management.

2. Define Strategic Planning.

3. Define Continuous Improvement.

4. Define Competitive Strategy.

Does the self-assessment scale or rating accurately describe a trait,characteristic,behavior,cognition,or another aspect of your leadership?

As a individual with a higher leadership potential. Consider the questions below and compose a 200-word minimum reflective perspective summary about your results. Use the self-assessment document you completed from the textbook as your guide.

Did you expect your score to be high or low? Any surprises? Are your stronger or milder points an asset?

Does the self-assessment scale or rating accurately describe a trait,characteristic,behavior,cognition,or another aspect of your leadership? If so, which one(s) and why? If the self-assessment is inaccurate, then how do you account for the difference between what it measures and your leadership style?

Based on the result of this self-assessment, do you need to make a change in a leadership behavior or cognition (way of thinking) that will improve your skills and make you a better leader? How would you start to make this change? If no change is needed, then how do you plan to use the information from the assessment?

Your self-assessment summary should be a comprehensive and well-organized analysis that clearly relates the self-assessment measurements and results to your personal leadership style, traits, characteristics, behaviors, and cognition.

The analysis should be clear and logical. It should be grammatically sound and free of spelling errors. This is one of many leadership self-reflections in this course.

Select two historical leaders – one who was known for making a positive contribution in a leadership role,and the other who made a negative contribution in a leadership role (one effective leader and one ineffective leader).

Research Project: Final Submission (PLG1), you will need to complete an assessment of two leaders. You will select two historical leaders – one who was known for making a positive contribution in a leadership role,and the other who made a negative contribution in a leadership role (one effective leader and one ineffective leader).

Leaders from the following organizations cannot be selected for this project: Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, and Virgin.

Research the 2000 and later Fortune Global 1000 company lists and identify an effective leader and an ineffective leader (Chief Executive Officer or president of an organization).

Create a post that includes:

The CEO’s or president’s name and organization and why you selected them.

A brief summary (50 words or less) of the direction you would like to take with this project.

Review the information on the Research Project guidelines for detailed instructions for the research paper prior to selecting your chosen leaders. Choose this individual carefully, as this selection will form the basis of assignments in this course.

What is the diversity measure of your personal and professional stakeholder network?

Address all parts of the question thoroughly and accurately and adhere to any instructions provided, including minimum words. Express yourself clearly using your own words, with minimal spelling or grammar mistakes. Include specific, relevant details from readings or other course material and demonstrate an understanding of course material. Show original thought by presenting facts and ideas that do not restate what others have said.

Discussion Forum 4 – Leadership

Watch What it takes to be a great leader by Roselinde Torres – (HERE)

Answer one of the following questions from the video (remember to identify the question you are answering):

1. Where are you looking to anticipate the next change to your business model or your life? Who are you spending time with? On what topics? Where are you traveling? What are you reading? And then how are you distilling this into understanding potential discontinuities, and then making a decision to do something right now so that you’re prepared and ready?

2. What is the diversity measure of your personal and professional stakeholder network? If your network is not diverse what can you do to increase it’s diversity? You know, we hear often about good ol’ boy networks and they’re certainly alive and well in many institutions. But to some extent, we all have a network of people that we’re comfortable with. So this question is about your capacity to develop relationships with people that are very different than you. And those differences can be biological, physical, functional, political, cultural, socioeconomic. And yet, despite all these differences, they connect with you and they trust you enough to cooperate with you in achieving a shared goal. Great leaders understand that having a more diverse network is a source of pattern identification at greater levels and also of solutions, because you have people that are thinking differently than you are.

Book:Organizational Behavior: Bridging Science and Practice v4.0

By: Talya Bauer and Berrin Erdogan

Published: January 2021

ISBN (Digital): 978-1-4533-3767-7

List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Textbook

Evaluate and discuss the Organizational Development approach as associated with the coach image.

Mitigating the Chaos of Change

Change managers play an active role in the way change occurs within the organization. There are specific foundational approaches associated with the change process and the coach and interpreter images.

Evaluate and discuss the Organizational Development (OD) approach as associated with the coach image.

Evaluate and discuss the sense making approach as associated with the interpreter image.

Compare and contrast the steps of each evaluated framework.

Your paper should be three to four pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages). Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center, and it must include in-text citations and references for at least two scholarly sources from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library, in addition to the course text.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Waypoint Assignment Submission

What are the barriers you must address that could challenge the change initiative?What steps will you use to facilitate a successful change process?

Breaking Through the Resistance

Read the article “Overcome the Five Main Reasons People Resist Change (Links to an external site.).” After reading the article, identify three reasons for resistance to change. Which of these reasons is likely to be the most critical in your organization? As a leader, how would you overcome this type of resistance?

Change Implementation

Organizations face substantial change on a regular basis. Technology, outsourcing, and restructuring through downsizing or rightsizing are some of the key reasons for change.

Assume you are receiving news that you are the point person within your department/division for one of the change factors listed above. What are the barriers you must address that could challenge the change initiative?What steps will you use to facilitate a successful change process?

Do you think that accelerating development of connected cars will help grow the company?

You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. The chief technology officer (CTO) of the company from the course scenario has been researching new technology developments that the company could integrate into its vehicles to enhance their usefulness and access to sensor data. Such data is acquired by the many digital sensors that have been integrated into vehicle subsystems over the past 20–30 years. The technology trend of particular interest to the CTO is the internet of things (IoT), the interconnection of embedded devices such as sensors and computers over the internet to share data. For automobiles,the trend points to creating connected cars.


Senior management has decided to explore IoT for the company’s trucks and cars. Your task is to create an internal memo explaining that the company should integrate IoT into its product line using the RWW (real, win, worth it) screening tool from the Module One resources and the information from the CTO Brief, Comparative Growth Data, Comparative Operating Statistics, and Comparative Product Plans documents. Consider the following:

Discuss the feasibility of the product line (refer to RWW screening tool question number one: Is it real?).

Is there a need or desire for the product?

Is the size of the potential market adequate?

Can the product actually be made?

Will the final product satisfy the market?

Discuss the ability of the company to win market share (refer to RWW screening tool question number two: Can we win?).

Will your company’s products have a competitive advantage?

How will your competitors respond?

Can your company understand the market properly?

Discuss the potential benefits to the company of producing this product (refer to RWW screening tool question number three: Is it worth doing?).

Will the product be profitable at an acceptable risk?

Does launching the product make strategic sense?

Does the product fit your company’s overall growth strategy?

Will your company’s senior management support this project?

Based on the answers to the questions above, explain the reasons why IoT and connected cars are strategically important to the company.

Consider the evolving customer needs and desires; how would they impact the company’s product plan?

What do you think competitors will do (if anything) in response to changes in your company’s development plan?

Do you think that accelerating development of connected cars will help grow the company?

Guidelines for Submission

This memo should be a Word document of 1–2 pages in length using double spacing, 12-poin

Calculate the results in Excel for each of the two companies.Compare the results of the two companies you selected and discuss your findings.

Applied Benchmarking

Read Chapter 11 of your textbook (Cleverley & Cleverley, 2018) and use it as a guide for your assignment. Choose 2 publicly held healthcare organizations and download their financial statements. You should pick two that are in similar industries such as medical centers, for example. You can find them on their company websites or through Yahoo! Finance. Pick 5-7 of the benchmarks outlined in Chapter 11. Calculate the results in Excel for each of the two companies.Compare the results of the two companies you selected and discuss your findings.

Provide a brief explanation under each benchmark to discuss your results. Place each company in a separate tab within the same workbook.

Your work will be evaluated according to the Written Assignments Rubric embedded in this assignment dropbox.

Save your file as HC5233_YourName_Wk3Assignment