What were some of the legal defenses employed?What were some of the legal and factual problems in the case?

A civil Action

Begin working on Reaction Paper I “A Civil Action.”

1. Read chapter 4 and page 612 – 613 and page 560 (on product liability and tort law) before you begin this assignment

2. Watch the movie “A Civil Action”.
Note: Amazon, Google Play, VUDU, Playstation, and Microsoft Movie all stream this video.

3. Write 2-3 pages reaction paper include Part A & Part B.

Please note: Part A should take up 2/3 of the paper with Part B only taking up the remaining 1/3 of your paper.

Part A

The movie “A Civil Action” gives us a fictional account of the real legal case pertaining to the hazardous waste site that affected the children in the community of Woburn, Mass. The movie not only provides a description of the Woburn disaster but also an introduction to the issues surrounding environmental justice.

Provide an assessment of the case from a legal point of view. What were the elements of negligence in this movie (duty, breach of duty, legal cause, proximate cause, and damages)? What were some of the legal defenses employed?What were some of the legal and factual problems in the case?

Part B

Choose one of the following quotes and explain what the character(s) mean in the movie and what it means to you.

What does the tag line “Justice has a price?” mean to you?
Jerome Facher: What’s your take?
Jan Schlichtmann: They’ll see the truth.
Jerome Facher: The truth? I thought we were talking about a court of law. Come on, you’ve been around long enough to know that a courtroom isn’t a place to look for the truth.
Jan Schlichtmann: It’s like this. A dead plaintiff is rarely worth more than a living severely-maimed plaintiff. However, if it’s a long slow agonizing death as opposed to a quick drowning or car wreck, the value can rise considerably. A dead adult in his 20’s is generally worth less than one who is middle aged. A dead woman less than a dead man. A single adult less than one who’s married. Black less than white. Poor less than rich. The perfect victim is a white male professional, 40 years old, at the height of his earning power, struck down at his prime. And the most imperfect, well in the calculus of personal injury law, a dead child is worth the least of all.
Anne Anderson: It is not about the money

Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final recommendations for the company’s change management strategies.

Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final recommendations for the company’s change management strategies.

The presentation should have an introduction slide, as well as a reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation.

There should be a minimum of 10 slides that briefly covers the content of the strategy manual.

APA citing.

Topic is the same as related orders as it is an ongoing project.

Discuss some actionable ways to create a culture of learning in your organization or workplace.

The way learning takes place in an organization is changing. It is no longer about doing a single course or attending a workshop. It’s more than that. Today, it is about continuous learning and building a culture of learning to support it. Schein (2017) also discussed collaboratives.

Consider your readings and discuss some actionable ways to create a culture of learning in your organization or workplace.

My workplace is an aviation maintenance shop working on helicopters as a government contractor with the US Navy

Explore a key aspect of cross-cultural management,and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design,develop,implement,and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified.

First, you will choose a company that is involved in global cross-cultural management.

This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of cross-cultural management,and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design,develop,implement,and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified. Examples could be cultural training for expatriate employees; diversity training for employees; global leadership, etc.

Prepare a full sentence outline with bullet points of the topics,subtopics,theories,and concepts that you plan to ultimately cover in your research paper.

The research topic outline will be: Operating in a global environment


Have your customers’ needs changed over the years?Is there a gap between customers’ needs and market offerings?


You are a top executive in your corporation. After careful consideration, you were selected to work on a project to use Management Information Systems (MIS) to change the way business is run.

1. History and Background (provide detailed information about the industry, past and present business model/practices, the industry’s strengths and weaknesses)

2. Target Customer (identify the target customer in terms of age, gender, income, location, needs…etc. Have your customers’ needs changed over the years? Are all their needs fulfilled? Is there a gap between customers’ needs and market offerings?)


What kind of leadership dominates this organization?

U.S. Army Concepts on Learning, Leading, and Changing

Read Organization Change (Chapters 4-6) and the three attached articles.

Utilizing all the reading you have done so far, discuss how the concepts of learning, leading, and changing apply to the U.S. Army.

How would you describe the organization and why? E.g. Open System, Scientifically Managed, Sociotechnical System, …

What kind of leadership dominates this organization?

How does change happen in this organization?

How does learning happen in this organization?

If you could change one thing about the organization, what would it be, and why?

Your post should clearly and succinctly respond to each of the five questions. You do not need an introduction or conclusion; you only need to respond to the questions.Expect you to write at least three sentences, and hopefully not more than five sentences, per question.

Synthesize two ideas/themes/concepts you believe are most relevant to you as a leader,in ensuring your organization fulfills its potential in the third decade of the 21st century.

Leader Synthesis

Read Organization Change (Chapters 1 – 3).

Read the four attached articles.

From your reading, synthesize two ideas/themes/concepts you believe are most relevant to you as a leader,in ensuring your organization fulfills its potential in the third decade of the 21st century. Explain why you emphasized those two.

In your synthesis, you need to make specific references to two of the five pieces you had read. This means you can summarize/paraphrase an author and cite them as a reference, or you can quote an author directly.

Length: 300 to 400 words, excluding your reference list at the end.

Analyze the various roles the employee and employer play in managing an employee’s career.

BAM510 unit 2

Define “career management.”

Examine some of the important aspects of career management.

Analyze the various roles the employee and employer play in managing an employee’s career.

Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion).

Responses must be double spaced using a standard font (ie Times New Roman) and 12 point type size. use A.P.A. style citations

ONLY reference

Human Resource Management

15th Edition, 2017

ISBN (U.S.):9780134235455

Author(s): Gary Dessler

Publisher: Pearson